[color=CD5C5C][h2]Maverick Breaker[/h2][/color] [url]https://imgur.com/a/RhC1Bs9[/url] [i]Havenwood[/i] [hr] [color=FF00FF]"You don't look well, would you like to..."[/color] Maverick looked at the woman with a raised eye brow. He would have laughed had he not been so deep in thought. He looked in the direction where he thought he heard someone yell 'Nine'. [color=FF00FF]"My supervisor needs me."[/color] Maverick could only watch as the woman left to do her own business. [color=CD5C5C]"Supervisor?"[/color] He spoke to himself. Maverick was curious as to what she would go on to do but he would much rather not prod into her affairs, especially with the fact that it seemed as if trouble would follow him and everyone he has ever met. Now alone, he took another puff from his cigarette and drifted into his thoughts once again. Random thoughts would cross Maverick's mind, first they were trivial things such as what individuals from the crowd he could recognize from the bar, or the fact he could have sworn he saw someone on the catwalk looking down at the crowd. Then his mind would descend into recalling painful memories, the faces of his parents were one thing that came to mind... [color=CD5C5C]"What would they think if they knew I ended up here, or the fact that I ran with... a... gang..."[/color] Maverick thought to himself. [color=CD5C5C]"gang..."[/color] Almost immediately, memories of Duster began to flood his brain once again, almost like demons dancing circles around him. Maverick began to rub his thumb against the jewels of his necklace, until once again, he was pulled back to reality. Maverick was slightly taken aback by the sight of a hand holding out a bottle of beer in front of him, He looked to the man that offered to trade for the beer. [color=8493ca]“Trade ya’ fa’ one of them smokes, yeah?”[/color] Normally, Maverick would refuse because of how hard it is to make his cigarettes, but he was desperate at this point, no one was back at the bar anyway. Maverick slightly shrugged then grabbed an aluminum box from his pocket, he picked out a cigarette to hand to the man and held it out for him to grab. [color=CD5C5C]"Yeah, I guess you've got yourself a deal."[/color] A very faint smirk appeared on Maverick's face.