Too much happened for Emily to get a word in. Before she could say anything else. The Crow came inside the diner and introduced himself, further startling Ray and throwing away the element of surprise they could have used later. Ashley and Luka became conflicted on whether or not they wanted to tell Ray they were actually people or if they were shades, whatever they were. At the end of it all, Ray left without blowing anyone up, and still decidedly on that agency's team. Once he was gone. Emily leaned forward and rested her head against her hands, clearly frustrated. She comments to her friends, clearly tired, "You know, with the whole talking to him bit, I was hoping to not only get information out of him, but also possibly get him to turn against whatever that agency is. We did not do that," She sighs and answers Luka's offer of the limo, "I'm good, thanks," She then notices that Ashley dug out the phone and wallet from Ray. She walks over to Ashley, curious to see what important information they can find on those two items. As she moves, she keeps her journal and pen close but hidden.