"Many thanks." Sir Shane said as the server departed. The knight then closed his coin purse, stowed it back in his backpack, lifted the visor on his helmet just enough that it wouldn't get in the way of his mouth, and tucked into the stew and beer that had been brought before him. The stew was a fine fare by the standards of inn food. But the beer? The beer was a wonder on the tongue. Not that such a thing came as a surprise to Sir Shane. The fame of Barleytown beer did not reach as far as Stormhelm and then further still without good reason, after all. In summary, the meal was a good one. One that left Sir Shane satisfied indeed by the end of it. But when he saw the server emerge with jug in hand, Sir Shane lowered his visor back into place as he felt his satisfaction quickly give way to a feeling of uneasy anticipation. Once the drink had arrived at Elaine's table and the huntress had acknowledged the knight, Sir Shane took a breath to prepare himself for what must come next. Once he had steadied himself as best he could, Sir Shane rose from his seat and made his way over to Elaine's table. "G-Greetings." Sir Shane spoke when he reached the edge of the table across from where Elaine was sitting at it. "The uh... The server told me your name is Elaine? I... I am Sir Shane. Sir Shane the Shy. Th-The server also told me that you might know something about the rumors of strange things awakening in the Dales."