Sir Shane returned the smile as best he could. But despite his best efforts, it was a shaky, unstable think that looked ready to tumble back into complete nervousness at any moment. Sir Shane tried to hold the huntress's gaze as he listened intently to what she had to say about the rumors, but he could never meet her eyes for more than a few seconds before his gaze began to rapidly flick between various different spots on her face, glance off to his left or right for a moment, then return back to her eyes for a few seconds before repeating the cycle all over again. [color=a2d39c]"Would you tell me why you're asking?"[/color] The question jolted Sir Shane out of the loop he'd worked himself into. He stammered incoherently for a brief moment before regaining his mental footing enough to give a reply. "I umm... I'm on a quest." Sir Shane explained. "I have come south from Stormhelm to investigate these rumors after the Shiverwash carried them to the city. The rivermen are acting a lot more... superstitious than usual because of the rumors, and the nobles are worried about how that might affect the imports that flow from the Dales. My quest is to learn the truth of these rumors and solve whatever is happening here before the rivermen stop bringing goods to Stormhelm for fear of whatever it is that is going on."