[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/BHScL9w.png[/img] [b]Words[/b]: 1484 (+6) [b][color=Aquamarine]Midna: level 10[/color][/b] EXP: [color=Aquamarine]//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color] (131/110) [color=D34C25][b]Primrose[/b] [u]Level[/u]: [b]11[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 225/110[/color] [color=gray]š¯™±š¯™æ[/color] [color=gold]ā—¸ā—¸ā—¸[/color]ā—¸[color=gray]ā—¸[/color][/center] Mindaā€™s blade stabbed deep into a half formed floodfested, before a drill like shockwave of wind followed up the strike a second later, widening the wound and bushing the foe back so that it was ever so easy to pull it back out. With her fan she parried a claw swipe from another, the gust of wind blasting it back to prevent it from simply barrling into her, before she cut it with the cleanly extracted sword, the after shock turning the deep wound into a bisection. The creatures weren't as durable as those they had encountered on the ground floor of the Qliphoth's interior, likely owing to how quickly they'd formed. They hadn't had a chance to assume more flesh from their master before being sent off to attack. As such they didn't offer much danger individually, and could easily be torn apart. As a group they were more of a problem, but that only meant they had to be taken out as a group. Primrose had focused on her wide range Night Ode, the deadly dark magic striking down swathes of the horde at once. Any that avoided the spells or happened to survive and continue forward she trusted her dance partner to take care of, or the other Seekers that coincidentally ran into them. With a wave of her hand another pool of shadows formed, bursts of damaging flame interspersed with the darkness as it consumed the floodfested and dwindled them down to near nothing. It wouldn't be much longer until they were gone and the ladies could focus on the greater threats. Unfortunately for them, before they could quite finish up, A, behind them, unleashed a sinister spell that seemed to turn the world to flesh, and left their hearts beating faster from more than just adrenalin and excretion. [color=Aquamarine]ā€¯Goddesses, what was that?ā€¯[/color] Midna cursed, her lyre playing flattering as the move threw her off balance right as one of the remaining floodfested came for her. Fortunately for her, her legion leapt to her aid, claw strike-like trails appeared in the air as the legion pounced a flood-fested, bringing it down with ease. Left with a feeling of unease from the vision, Primrose's expression darkened and she cut a hard glance at the Consul and his copies. It had happened so suddenly that she didn't quite know what to make of it - had it been some kind of psychic attack meant to affect their sanity, or had he actually [i]done[/i] something to them? The uncertainty was the worst part of it. Fortunately, the vision was only momentary, and they were back in action within moments, though it had clearly left an impact upon them. While the boys pushed in and renewed their assault on A, the ladies' next few blows cut down the majority of the remaining floodfested. It was enough for Midna to suggest: [color=Aquamarine]ā€¯Let my legion deal with the stranglersā€¯[/color] pointing her sword towards the (to most everyone else) blur that now accompanied her everywhere [color=Aquamarine]ā€¯and letā€™s hit A alreadyā€¯[/color]. She had hardly finished speaking when the Gravemind moved once more, its tentacles smacking down first somewhere beyond the crashed carnival ride to (by the sound of crunching metal from over there) devastating effect, before another swung down at the boys behind them. Them, plus Midna's darknut, which the princess mentally called back as soon as she saw the movement rather than wasting precious moments trying to work out where the very slow construct was in relation to the imminent impact point. Its limb came down hard, shaking the arena and unleashing another shockwave where it fell. This time Primrose took it upon herself to get herself and her dance partner out of harm's way. She took hold of one of Midna's forearms and swiftly floated them both into the air so the shockwave didn't topple them, and a moment later they landed once more. [color=Aquamarine]ā€¯Alright then, looks like we have bigger flesh to fryā€¯[/color] She decided after that little reminder of their true objective, before suggesting [color=Aquamarine]ā€¯so how about we hit it hard together?ā€¯[/color] Primrose cast her eyes about the battlefield at large. There was A and his copies behind them, D towards the center back, and O... somewhere on the left, hard to spot amidst all of the strangeness he was conjuring. And of course towering over all of them was the Gravemind who was posing a huge hazard. It was that creature which her gaze settled on. [color=D34C25]"I take it you already have something in mind?"[/color] She did indeed, and after a quick explanation, they set it into motion. Primrose performed her Rites of Termination, spinning gracefully before conjuring a large lance shaped strike of dark elemental energy straight down. Before it could hit the ground however, Mindaā€™s shadow hand snatched out and grabbed the lance by the hilt, and then held it between the two women. Primrose took hold of the hilt, hand beside Midna's as her aura flared to life. She pushed her Battle Boost into the weapon, licks of flame fluttering over it but quickly consumed and turned black while at the same time Midna was charging her own dark magic into it, green twilight runes forming over its surface. Its core swelled with pitch black magic, doubling, then tripling the already man sized spear into a massive missile. Once charged, Primrose let go and the princess reeled it back and hurled the lance across the battlefield at the Gravemind, into which it would embed and then linger, several follow up blasts of fire and magic exploding out of it until the charge was expended. While it lasted, the lance also spread a beneficial effect to most of their allies; their critical hit rate increased. Unfortunately taking advantage of that might be somewhat tricky for some, as that was when the counter attack began. Situated somewhere between the entrance and the left hand side fight with A meant that while the duo were not under the fairground ride that appeared out of nowhere to crush down upon those beneath it, they were in the blast radius of the glass shattering out of it. [color=Aquamarine]ā€¯Where in their names?!ā€¯[/color] Midna cursed in confusion, having been a bit busy to take notice of what O had been up to, but hardly able to miss this one. In response she reached the shadow hand she had just used to toss the lance, and instead used it as a shield, ducking behind its half curled fingers. With little in the way of defensive options (and with an aversion to them away) and no spell being cast to trigger the Baldur Shell's protection, Primrose had little choice but to duck behind Midna. Chunks of glass cut into her arm and side as she moved, leaving rows of thin bleeding lines and bits of reflective blue lodged into her skin and dress. As soon as it passed she stepped out again, glaring in O's general direction. [color=D34C25]"Someone needs to take care of these nuisances,"[/color] she said, suggesting that someone should be them. [color=Aquamarine]ā€¯Not sure if that thing is even going to work any moreā€¯[/color] Midna thought out loud, regarding the observation deck currently taking up the center of the arena, its windows shattered, but its structure intact enough that it could, hypothetically, crash down again, prompting her to say [color=Aquamarine]ā€¯but Iā€™m going to make sureā€¯[/color] Saying that, she opened a portal, and summoned her darknut once more, its size greatly increased. Then with the short amount of time it had on the field, the titan squared up, picked an angle, and then cleaved into the side of the pillar the deck rose up and down on as if said piller was a tree, and the knight a lumberjack. She also made sure she had it strike it in such a way that it would, if it fell rather than just buckled, simply slam into the wall with the entrance in it where none of the fighting was taking place. While it did its work, the princess mounted up onto her beast legion, summoned her wolfos in offer of a ride, and then set off around the deck to reach the other side. Primrose took hold of the wolfos but glanced back at the five men fighting A, hoping that they had it in hand before she mounted the borrowed creature and sped off.