[hr] [h1]Forest Shrine[/h1] [hr] As the three newcomers to this world introduced themselves and spoke to one another, very little seemed out of the ordinary. The forest was lush and verdant, so it was only to be expected that it would be filled with life. The chirping birds sang to one another, the light breeze caused the leaves to rustle--- It was a peaceful feeling, and a peaceful location. A few small birds with red breasts and dark wings alighted where the raven had stood moments ago, peering curiously down at the unusual trio for a few moments. Exactly what went through their minds was hard to guess, of course. But it was clear they were wondering just where these unusual figures had come from, if nothing else. Something scraped against a tree again, and the birds took off, disappearing into the forest across the clearing just as quickly as they appeared. It was a little easier to hear it, now. It was certainly something dragging across tree bark. Perhaps it had come a little closer? And there it was, once again. It was definitely closer, now. Perhaps it would have been easier to miss, before. But now that the birdsong had suddenly ceased, the scraping was quite audible. Along with it was another sound. A distinct thud-thud-thud-thud, faint at first but growing louder. Something was walking through the forest. And it was getting closer. [@Raineh Daze][@FujiwaraPhoenix][@Pyromania99]