[center] [color=#736AFF][b][h1]Ranbu no Izayoi[/h1][/b][/color] [/center] Isolde gave an amused, wan smile at Miina before looking to Rudolf and Esben, not even bothering to dignify the former's insults. [b]"In order, then. My responsibility, as you put it, is to Drana Asnaeu and her people. Whatever path we must chart in order to ensure our prosperity, then so be it. From our perspective, [i]you[/i] are the only ones standing against Valheim at the moment. Osprey is shattered. Leonhart cowers on his throne while sending cutthroats across the land. And Skael is as inscrutably silent as usual."[/b] Her smile turned sad, as if legitimately regretful of the situation. [b]"Perhaps you could manage it. Rally the continent to resist. Or perhaps you fail and invite greater reprisal upon all those involved. If I am to take that risk upon you, it is only fair that you take the same risk on I and [i]hand over the Heretic[/i]."[/b] [b]"Child, I assure you, I am-"[/b] Cid began, only to be cut off by a suddenly-furious Isolde. [b]"You are a charlatan and a fraud! You wear the face and name of hallowed Cidolfus, founder of our Cathedral and first of Etro's Caretakers! Whom passed away [i]centuries ago[/i]! Reveal your true face, daemon!"[/b] Cid clicked his tongue at that, as if suddenly understanding. [b]"...Ah. Then no amount of reasoning shall work."[/b] He sighed, reluctantly raising his staff. [b]"Kirins, I would beg your assistance in this confrontation. Were I alone, I would simply...leave. But then that would leave you with her displeasure. Her words are true, from a certain point of view, but I have been naught but honest with you regarding my goals. I can only tell you that my covenant with the Mothercrystal binds me to this path."[/b] Behind him, Leviathan and Ifrit roared as Eve assumed her Dreadwyrm Trance, mantling Bahamut's might as she stared down the Grovemaster and her templar knights. Izayoi had stayed silent throughout the entire affair, having understood Esben's intent and taken the opportunity to catch as much of her breath as she could. Considering the battle against Leviathan, it wasn't much and wouldn't be for any of the Kirins, but even the slightest recuperation was better than none. At this, though...her hand fell down to the hilt of her sword. [color=#736AFF][b]"I tire of Dranan obfucscation and condescension."[/b][/color] She snapped, an inch of steel cracking out of its scabbard. [color=#736AFF][b]"You will either let us pass and fall in line, or you will be accessory to betraying all life on this continent. Make your choice."[/b][/color] [b]"Dispelja."[/b] Isolde's staff slammed into the ground, and a wave of cleansing magic spread out across the entire ruin near-instantly. It hardly affected the Kirins, but as for Cid's entourage... Leviathan and Ifrit managed brief roars of pain before they simply dispersed into aether, covering the area in motes of deep blue and crimson. But Eve howled as her Trance was forcibily ripped away, Bahamut's power stripped entirely as she fell to the ground, convulsing. Cid fared little better, the seeming backlash of his summons ripped away from him causing the old man to clutch his chest, falling to his knees as his staff clattered against the ground. [b]"I...I..."[/b] The cleric hyperventilated, eyes wide as he fought for breath, staring up towards the Kirins. [b]"I'm...sorry...you must...live on..."[/b] A last, desperate wave of his hand summoned just enough aether to teleport both Eve and himself away to parts unknown, leaving the field just to the Kirins and Isolde's knights. [b]"Protect. Shell. Haste."[/b] Isolde hadn't stopped, firing off spell after spell on her own contingent of soldiers, her boons washing over them with all the potency of a master of white magic. [b]"Regen. Reraise."[/b] She finally stopped, taking a moment to catch her breath before straightening up, glasses glinting as she looked towards the party. [b]"This is your final chance. Tell me where he has fled to, or face the might of a fully-realized White Mage and the church's finest."[/b] [b]"Make your choice."[/b]