[color=silver][CENTER] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ZX8Nhy1.png[/img] [hider=💀][color=silver][center]20 | Female | Maverick Alternative | [s]So[/s](ME)[s]thing[/s] On Your Mind Kiss & Make Up | Handgun | Physical | We Are But Dust and Shadow Hellspawn | Streetside Devil Friends on the Other Side | Shadow | Abyssus Abyssum Invocat [Obfuscate, Intangible] Damage X (6), Restrain (4), Blink (4), Minor Heal (2), Summon (2), Enhance (2), Powerful (0), Homing (2), Avoid (2), AoE (2), Bend (0), Construction (4) [Gold Projectile][Bend][Enhance][Special: Deepen Shadow][Summon] -112 DAMAGE: B | SPEED: C | SENTINEL: E | 1000 PHYSICAL: D | ARCANE: D | CHAOS: E | 326[/center][/color][/hider][/CENTER] [i]Well, shit. [/i] That was the first and last thought Ciri had time for before she plummeted through Trixy's waiting arms (thank god) and Boteg's solid back (oh fuck), approaching the ground with nothing in sight to break her fall. Until [i]something [/i]did. Ciri cursed as something smacked into her back, trying desperately to reorient herself as the world around her spun like a motherfucker. She couldn't see what had hit her, the ground that she'd been headed towards [i]or [/i]the sky she'd fallen from, just shapes and more shapes, stripes of colour drunkenly drawn upon a canvas of vague blue. Urgh, she was going to be [i]si—[/i] Ciri yelped as she felt someone grab her. In an instant, she stopped spinning. The world didn't, though. Ciri's eyes were rolling around still, unable to focus on the myriad of Billies that now stood besides her. From somewhere nearby, she heard Luna shout, though she couldn't make her out amidst the spinning. Or the water, running over her eyes. At least she wasn't on fire anymore. So, Tetrad was the one who'd... [i]saved [/i]her. Scowling, Ciri tried to flip her Maverick ally off, but in all honesty she wasn't sure which finger she held up; it looked like seven out of about forty to her. [b][color=lightgray]"How do we look up there? Anyone defending Crazy Train?"[/color][/b] Ciri opened her mouth to answer and nearly threw up all over Billy, so she closed her eyes and held up a hand instead. She kept swallowing as she spoke, words coming out slurred. [color=#7e4393]"Ghive— me a shec, Boss."[/color] Blinking furiously, Ciri looked back up towards the train, which was now [i]also [/i]fucking spinning, and she was pretty sure [i]that [/i]wasn't just the dizziness talking. [color=#7e4393]"... Whell, nhone ofh us up there nhow, but I [i]think[/i]... the thrain's all goo—"[/color] Soon as she'd said it, a shape hopped onto Crazy Train — and another jumped off it. She couldn't really make out the former, but the latter was difficult to miss. It was Big Kitty, in the flesh, and the [i]fur[/i], holding onto Regina, while another unknown figure held onto her assumed brother. Ciri squinted, wiping water from her eyes, her focus slowly returning in response to the new threat(s?). Somewhere high up, two dots of light appeared, and Ciri knew what [i]they [/i]were. Incoming casts, towards the Catman. Honestly, good, let them fight each other while— [color=#7e4393]"Oh [i]come on![/i]"[/color] Not a second after that thought, Blue landed some distance from Big Tony, rushing towards him and by extension, towards the literal epicenter of danger to... to [i]heal [/i]Regina?! Goddamn Blue and her bleeding heart, what was she [i]doing[/i], trying to save the fire bitch?! Yeah, she clearly had some past with the twins, but that hadn't stopped Regina from trying to burn [i]her [/i]to a crisp. And if the fire psycho lived now, she might be grateful to Blue, sure, but Ciri knew she'd try to get back at [i]her [/i]for nearly blasting off her head. Fuck that. She had enough enemies. Ciri's head was still spinning, and there was no time to think. She didn't want to save all of them, and she sure as hell didn't want to end up saving the wrong target by accident. The intangibility shadows offered had proven useful, and she could see use for it here, too, but there were [i]two [/i]damn sky lasers incoming and if she messed up the timing or the target— Ugh. No. Back to basics it was. Frantically, Ciri looked for any shadow close to her target. As fast as she could muster, she focused on pulling them forth, bending them into a large bird of prey on the way. She would save Blue. She was not going to owe her for doing the same to her earlier. [color=#7e4393]"Get her out of there!"[/color] Ciri hissed, even if no verbal commands were necessary, guiding her summoned eagle to grab Blue by the arm she was trying to hold onto Regina with and yank her away from danger, hopefully before the shitlasers hit the fan. [/color]