For all the twinkling lights and the hum of the machines, Zane barely understood what it was that Jet was really up to there in the so-called “power plant”. He’d heard it explained that it was - quite literally - the beating heart of the ship. Everything from the engines to the hyperdrive and shields were controlled from there, along with life-support for anyone who traveled within the vessel itself. So when Jet had explained that it was best that Zane didn’t touch [i]anything[/i], his survivalistic instincts kicked in and he did well to remain as far away from anything that looked like a button or a switch; at least until he could better understand what was going on in there. Once Jet had finished up his checklists and made the proper adjustments he needed, the youth watched the seasoned spacer make his way to the fore of the vessel, following him for a bit before pausing at one of the cargo holds where he’d stashed the loot he’d scrounged up from the shuttle. Not bothering to say anything to Jet about breaking off from him, he slid into the compartment and began going through the bags and cases to better organize their contents. He began opening the containers and retrieving their contents, laying them out on the bay floor in a few well-organized rows. For all the ways that he could be a screw-up as a Junker, the one thing he knew to do and do well was organize the loot. There were four medkits with a standard complement of bacta patches, antidote cocktail injectors, revitalizer diodes, bactafoam woundkits, and handheld medical scanners. They looked far newer than anything the kid had ever come across before, and in much better condition. The two cases he’d managed to stow in the medical duffels were your typical technicians kits. Those came with several tools that he couldn’t really identify, and more than a few that he could. The hydrospanners alone were likely worth a few hundred creds. There were a ton of spare parts as well, likely to be used in case of an emergency. Top all of that off with the technician’s datapads and several stun batons and gas grenades he managed to snag off of the shuttle’s riot rack on the way out, and it wasn’t a bad haul. With everything laid out in front of him, Zane rested back on his haunches, staring down at the array before him. Obviously, the stun batons would come in handy. He’d probably keep one of those, if it could be spared. Anything else would likely need to be assessed by the crew to determine their best uses. Zane could respect that. He barely knew what half of it really was, anyway. And anything that had an Imperial insignia on it likely had some means of being traced, or at the very least, recognized by someone out there. They’d have to be careful not to give anyone the chance to come looking for them. Luckily, Zane and most of the people on Lotho Minor had never been on the Empire’s radar before. Concepts like “ident codes” didn’t apply to them. Zane had never even seen the inside of an Imperial [i]anything[/i] until Fel and his bunch had “conscripted” him into their grand scheme. At least, for now, he didn’t have to worry about anyone finding out about Marcus and Parlo. Even if the people there cared little for his existence, Junkers didn’t sell out their own. They handled their problems from within. But Zane needed to figure out a way to help his family. If this whole thing with Fel was able to assist him with that, then he’d do whatever it took to make that happen. He only hoped that Marcus would be able to understand why he had to do it all, someday. Once he had finished going through all of the parts and equipment he had “procured”, Zane began to put everything away as neatly as he knew how to. Best not to leave everything strewn out all over the cargo area, for sure. When he was finished, he placed the duffels and technician’s cases over near the wall and began to make his way back toward the common area. He was pretty sure it wouldn’t be long before he heard from the captain about what was to come.