[img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/9b8d50f7-d21c-4b42-b3f6-5b7f00dc50c4.jpg[/img] [i]Angry-3[/i] As the huntress was listening to the knight's explanation, her expression went cold, and when he finished, she didn't answer for some seconds. The tension was visible building in her, and when she spoke there was clear anger in her tone. [color=a2d39c]"Imports flowing into the city? That's the only thing Stormhelmers are worried about when dark things emerge in the country? [i]How about the common people?[/i] The peasants tilling the earth to make the food, the owners of the inn to take care of you when you visit the countryside, the craftsmen who make the tools you use in your everyday life? Do they matter at all for you?" [/color]