[center][h3][color=#b3ccff]Esben Mathiassen[/color][/h3][/center] [hr] Esben could feel the shredded skin on his hand knitting back together rapidly under Eos's hands, where she floated down and laid her hands on his arm. Selene pulled something out of one of his pockets as Isolde spoke, the pair hiding together behind him as the group was addressed. He could hear something scratching behind him as the pair worked— His journal. The fairies had swiped his journal, and Selene was quietly humming [i]something[/i] while they wrote in it. [color=#b3ccff]"What are you two doing?"[/color] he mumbled, barely turning his head to address them. In response, the journal was snapped shut, placed back in his pocket, and he shuddered as a jolt of electricity ran down his spine. [b][color=#cc44f5]"There's the pact!"[/color][/b] Selene said, lifting back into view. Eos did as well, her hands stained dark crimson. [b][color=#008b8b]"We knew we needed to get it done fast,"[/color][/b] she whispered, looking over at Isolde. Selene nodded in agreement. [b][color=#cc44f5]"There's no way she doesn't try to dispel us all, but you should be able to call us back before too lo—"[/color][/b] [b][i]"Dispelja."[/i][/b] She was suddenly silent, the words cutting off in an instant as the pair were reduced to free aether in the wake of Isolde's spell. The Eidolons lasted slightly longer, enough to [i]feel[/i] the discomfort of their dissolution, while Eve and Cid were reduced near to uselessness...and winked away in an instant. Leaving the empty ruins, nine facing off against twenty-five. Yet more reason [i]not[/i] to allow Neve to come with them, knowing the betrayal had been planned from the second Isolde had heard them state Cid's name. Refreshed with Eos's last-second ministrations, Esben still stood at the fore of the party, weapons held loosely in his grasp. The warriors of the cathedral, burnished half-armour gleaming, did not strike such a relaxed pose. Their weapons were at the ready, archers trained on the Kirins, and all ready to fall in around Isolde in a moment if they needed. His eyes scanned over them quickly, committing each face he could to memory. So, too, did he note the Grovemaster's shell cracking when Cid spoke before—[i]anything[/i] that could threaten her hold on the situation was worthy of an immediate attack, then. There would be no dialogue with [i]her.[/i] After a moment, it felt like his blood thawed back out, the shock of having the two fairies dispelled passing quickly. [color=#b3ccff]"Your words don't add up, Grovemaster,"[/color] he observed slowly. [color=#b3ccff]"Beyond the first. Charting whatever path you must to protect Drana Asnaeu...Yes, I'm sure you would, and would convince yourself it was correct until the Blight-beasts came and mauled you alongside your fellows. But is he a heretic, or a daemon, a hell-born deceiver? One of your education should be well aware of the differences in these terms. Are you misguided, or are you taking the play of a demagogue, playing to the prejudices of these forces you've brought with you?"[/color] Hasted. Protected. Strengthened to almost every measure Isolde could manage in such a short time, and that was without knowing what she may have done with them [i]before[/i] coming into view. Alongside the armour they already had, there would be no easy way to take any of them out if it should come to it. [color=#b3ccff]"You speak of what is [i]fair,[/i] yet you come prepared to get your way by any means necessary. You ask us to turn over one that saved our lives, one who we have [i]no[/i] power over, no knowledge of which of the many hallowed grounds in this [i]world[/i] he could have gone to, in return for empty promises, maybes, guarantees that you [i]can't[/i] see through to their completion—[i]after[/i] a history of deceit toward us. Truly, you advance Valheim's cause well. I only hope you haven't already sold out your crystal to them for the same such falsehoods you offer us, for if you aren't strong enough to protect yourselves, you can trust them to renege on their deal ."[/color] If only he'd learned from Eos and Selene [i]how[/i] to summon them. Maybe the pages they'd written on would give him some sort of an idea, when he had a chance to look at them. [color=#b3ccff]"Back down, Isolde, or be remembered as the highest traitor to your people and your church, if either are left after your actions. I'm sure people will [i]love[/i] the story of how you betrayed and attacked, in pursuit of information that didn't exist, the only nine who were actively trying to stop the invader's heels from crushing down on them."[/color]