Here we go! It's a little thin for now, but she'll gain definition as we go. [hider=Sablyn Renault] [color=92278f][b]Basic Information[/b][/color] [color=92278f][i]Name[/i]:[/color] Sablyn Renault [color=92278f][i]Age[/i]:[/color] 22 [color=92278f][i]Race[/i]:[/color] Breton [color=92278f][i]Appearance[/i]:[/color] Sablyn is a petite young Breton woman with long brown hair that she usually wears in a tight bun to keep it out of her way. Despite her small frame, she is athletic and well muscled from her years staying alive on the streets of Imperial City. She has a set of reliable netch leather armor that she wears on dangerous jobs, and otherwise dresses as fashionably as she can afford to. [color=92278f][b]Personality[/b][/color] Sablyn has had a rough life, but one wouldn’t know it from her jaunty, carefree demeanor. She’s not particularly talkative — she’s always expressed herself better in writing — but she enjoys good company and loves to laugh. She’s a careful planner, and stays away from drink and other substances that cloud the mind. While she’s taken a frugal turn in recent years as she saves money for her future, she has a bit of a weakness for fine clothes. [color=92278f][b]Abilities[/b][/color] [color=92278f][i]Skills[/i]:[/color] Short blades, archery, light armor and unarmored, acrobatics, security, sneaking. Sablyn has spent her life learning to survive threats from people bigger and stronger than her, and so she has learned to use her speed and agility to great effect. [color=92278f][i]Magic[/i]:[/color] Sablyn knows some minor spells to help herself blend into the background or even become briefly invisible. [color=92278f][b]Equipment[/b][/color] [color=92278f][i]Personal Items[/i]:[/color] Sablyn was dressed to blend in on the streets when she was arrested — a lucky break for her, since it meant she wasn’t wearing her armor or any of her more expensive clothes, which the guards would surely have confiscated. She’s dressed in a common shirt and skirt and inexpensive sandals. She has a set of lockpicks sewn into the hem of her shirt that the guards didn’t find. [color=92278f][i]The Lock Box[/i]:[/color] A dagger — well made, but fortunately not her best one — and a small purse of gold. [color=92278f][i]Stored Items[/i]:[/color] Locked safely away in her residence are her bow, a quiver of arrows, a pair of steel daggers (one of which carries a poisoning enchantment) a set of netch leather armor, a variety of tools for picking locks and disarming traps, and a wardrobe that includes some brightly colored and well-made clothing as well as several sturdy and unremarkable outfits for travel and for jobs where she doesn’t want to draw attention. [color=92278f][b]Background[/b][/color] An orphan, Sablyn grew up on the streets of Imperial City. A teenaged Khajiit thief named Kyra took Sablyn under her wing, and taught her to pick pockets and cut purses, and how to handle herself in a fight. The greatest skill Kyra taught her, however, was how to read. In her spare time, Sablyn read every book she could get her hands on. She fell in love with poetry and soon began writing her own. Her early attempts were silly imitations of better things she’d read, but she didn’t care. She was doing it for the love of it, not for anyone to read it. Kyra and Sablyn worked together for more than a decade, making a living through thievery, cons, and occasional runs of luck at cards. Sablyn was 17, when a burglary job they tried to pull turned out to be a setup orchestrated by a fellow thief named M'desi, whose affections Kyra had spurned. Sablyn escaped, but Kyra was a step too slow and was cut down by a guard. In her grief, Sablyn found refuge in poetry. For several months, all she did was read and write. When she ran out of money, she turned back to thievery, but now she had a plan: she was going to live lean, work smart, stay away from the card tables, and save money to open a used book shop. For the past five years she’s been doing just that, continuing to write when she has the time. A few years ago, she had a brief affair with a traveling merchant, who was the first person other than Kyra to whom she’s showed her poetry. He was impressed and encouraged her to publish it, and perhaps she will someday, once she’s in a stable and legitimate business. She hasn’t forgotten M'desi’s betrayal, and while she’s not going to jeopardize her future plans on his account, she has always kept an eye on him and intends to avenge Kyra as soon as an opportunity presents itself. [color=92278f][b]Ambition[/b][/color] To make enough money to open her book shop and to either kill M'desi or orchestrate his demise. [/hider]