[h2]Agent Jackson / Alejandra Escriva[/h2] [hr][i][color=gray]Raven's Rest, the Front of Bill's Tattoo Shop[/color][/i] [sub][b]Interactions:[/b] Varnan [@Blizz], Bryn [@Fernfur], Wild Bill/Elara/Luca/Doran/Ryan//Ethan [@NoriWasHere][/sub][hr] There was no hesitation, the moment the creature began moving in earnest again Agent Jackson's pistol was already up, twelve shots fired joining those already coming from the other arrivals. None of which seemed to do much. It only took seconds before Jackson's sidearm was emptied, and he was already backing away, near the corner he'd just emerged from. Ducking back quickly around the corner yet again, he was already reloading and speaking into his radio. "Aura is active again! SPECIAL deployed. No visible effect." "CENTRAL confirms SPECIAL deployed; no effect. Back off, disengage TWO. Special Law Enforcement and Cleanup Team are clearing the barricades now." Jackson was already doing this, and there was no hiding the irritation in his voice as he acknowledged the comms. Peering around the corner at the others present, he realized he wasn't the only one wondering what it would take to finally drop this thing. It wasn't even clear it had even noticed he was present in between the rest of the rounds fired at the thing and yet it was still pushing forward. One thing did get it's attention though as the doppleganger advanced towards the group still on the street. That was the sudden revving of an engine, and squeal of tires as black up-armoured, after market Chevrolet Suburban accelerated and veered wildly from where it had been quietly coming down the street. The doppleganger just had time to turn it's head before the push-bar slammed into it, close to 50 mph. It tried to hang on but the suburban rocked back and forth as it the doppleganger lost its gripped and went under the passenger side tires rolling it a crumpled mass as the the 8,000lb or so vehicle's breaks activated and it went squealing into the front facade of Bill's Tattoo shop, going through the wall and coming to a stop with the driver and passenger side doors fully within the tattoo shop. As the dust from the front of the shop hung in the air, the driver's side door propped open. A young woman's head popped out looking back at the group still in the street. "That ah... that [i]was[/i] a bad guy right...!?" She stopped when the thing, which had seemed dead, started moving again. "Oh shit!" Alejandra disappeared back into the Surburban, slamming the door closed again behind her. Incredibly the thing shook its head, spitting some awful substance that might have been blood onto the pavement where it picked itself up on limbs that cracked and bent in ways that limbs were not meant to bend. Shaking it's grotesquely misshapen head - whose appearance had not been improved by being run over - it looked first to the Suburban, and then to the crowd gathered around it. Its mouth opened, and emitted a keening, ear piercing wail of rage that briefly drowned out the approaching sirens. Still screaming, it braced itself on its seemingly broken limbs, prepared to stand once again. At which point the wail was itself drowned out by the sound of smoking, squealing tires as the blacked out SUV's rear bumper took it square in the face. The SUV once again rocked and made a loud THUMP-THUMP as the spinning tires made contact with the doppleganger's face and body as Alejandra Escriva ran it over again in reverse.