[center][h2]Verius Sanctian[/h2][/center] The Fighters Guild has certainly changed, Verius silently assessed. It wasn't really a surprise, considering how long the guild had existed. Any traces of its origin as an organization envisioned, approved, and staffed by Akaviri would have faded in the millennium-and-a-half since its inception. However, it thus far appeared to have retained its original purpose or providing reputable swords-for-hire for dealing with small-scale problems. Since Hammerfell was no longer part of the Empire, this local chapter would no longer be constrained by its guild charter. However, they would probably still be operating under Hammerfell's laws if they wished to remain welcome in the province. Technically speaking, Verius had already joined the Fighters Guild back in the Second Era but there was no possible way that they'd actually believe that he was an Akaviri from the Second Era. "You need not worry, we're not outside contractors," he chimed in. "As my friend said, we all wish to join the guild, assuming there's work to be had."