[color=yellow][h1]Akira Yuzuki[/h1][/color] [hr] [i]'Last week putting it in the gentlest of words could have gone better.'[/i] was the thought in Akira's head as he lay at the hospital bed. It wasn't that bad considering that he's with Mei the entire time. And seeing Erza drop the 'tough knight' act if only for a few moments is nice bonus and he was really thankful for their help organizing the Hawkspad inventory. Why nobody else thought of storing emergency supplies inside is a mystery to him. "Oh Akira, the class rosters got shuffled and I think I need to warn you about Kagiri. She's not bad but she's quite a character." [hr] Akira took a deep breath as he listened to the instructor's message. If he had the choice, he would try dragging her into the classroom. Not only because they need the teacher but for her safety. Because four times out of five, they got killed when they are outside of their teaching duty. Unfortunately she's an important part of the underground heroics and it appears she cannot afford to give ground. Akira's eyes turned to Kyoya as he recalls Mei's warning. She's worried for nothing, with classmates like this accepting Kagiri is like throwing a lit torch on a burning house; there is nothing more to burn. Waving his hand a small barrier appeared Kyoya's face. [color=yellow] "What did I say about getting into fights? That's right proper venue."[/color] Akira then turned to the students of Class 2A and everyone who saw Kyoya's attitude for the first time. [color=yellow]"Don't worry much about him, he loves picking fights with everyone."[/color] [color=yellow]"The Professor didn't really give me any details about the Joint Training Exercise, so any details on how will this work is appreciated." [/color]