[hr] [color=fff79a][H3]Ueno Haru[/H3][/color] [I]Last week was a disaster,[/I] Haru couldn't help but quietly groan as he thought about, well, everything that happened. First of all, there was a huge Nomu attack; while Haru had melted the brains of several of those flesh golems, civilian casualties were still unacceptably high; hell, even just one is unacceptable in his mind. To make matters even worse, it turns out that the yakuza had their slimy little hands in the villain scene! All Might had singlehandedly obliterated the organised crime scene years ago, with the yakuza laying low and foreign syndicates like the Triad too afraid to approach. As such, the fact that the yakuza had even been bold enough to directly engage heroes came as a surprise. It was also a shock that the mayor was a Yakuza. Or that… lady Yakuza seemed to be weirdly interested in Haru. He couldn't help but shudder at the thought and memory. It was honestly terrifying. The witch (Haru couldn't remember her name, if she ever gave it) gave him the most perfect illusions of a better life. Anyway, there's at least going to be a field trip to Otheon. As the homeroom teacher mentioned that, Haru pulled out a notebook and began scribbling out good vacation spots in Otheon. Crater Lake and the Overcity of Kessel were some good places. Salanaga was nice, too, but it's renowned more as a destination for couples. Who is he going to go with there? It's not like there's anyone… though some would tease him with Hinata. [quote]"Everyone, I'm sure we can take our Senpais in a fight. Don't try to stop me Akira! I will fight them right now! No...that's boring." He went over to Jun's desk and bang his hand at her desk, sat on her desk with him directly having a close look at Jun. "Oh I didn't know you went from blackhaired to whatever shade of brown dye that is? That's a good look, but you... me, here, now, FIGHT ME![/quote] As soon as Kyoya decided to pick a fight, Haru could already feel several blood vessels in his head snap. “Kyoya-kun,” Haru followed him and took hold of his wrists, trying to drag him away from Jun’s desk. “Akira is right, this is not the time to taunt our classmates or, worse, the Furious Five! Come, I'll get you some sake- err, some nice canteen food. I have you answered for the month, remember?” He then peered over at Jun. “Sometimes,” he began, not bothering to keep it down, “I think he's Mirko’s secret love child because of how much of a fight magnet he is!” [hr] [color=8493ca][H3]Tokoyami Izanagi[/H3][/color] [quote] Akira then turned to the students of Class 2A and everyone who saw Kyoya's attitude for the first time. "Don't worry much about him, he loves picking fights with everyone." "The Professor didn't really give me any details about the Joint Training Exercise, so any details on how will this work is appreciated." [/quote] “This is what someone I know would call a 'mad banquet of darkness,' but I see that someone in this class has manners.” Tokoyami Izanagi, ths one heteromorph in the aptly named Furious Five, stood up. It wasn't as easy for him to make facial expressions, as he had a rather rigid beak, but he could still emote somewhat. He smiled back at Akira, though for most people, it would just look like he was bearing the sharp teeth within his beak. “While I would certainly love to tell you the manner by which the Joint Training Sesh will work, I am afraid you'll know when you get there.” There was a mischievous glint in his purple eyes for a second. “But don't fret! It's nothing too complicated. Just know that it involves chains and cages.” That may or may not be true, but Izanagi was really one for mischief.