[center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5589246][img]https://i.imgur.com/q339ptF.png[/img][/url] [sup][h3][b][color=black] M A W A T A R I[/color] [color=#DAA520]M A W A T A R I[/color][/b][/h3][/sup][/center] [i]Well, wasn’t that interesting[/i]. Jun had been busy enough during the fight, evacuating buildings and the like before they were demolished by Nomus and the others trying to fight back, but had gotten filled in on what the heck had gone on in the days after. The mayor being a villains…well, it was bad enough, but not the absolute end of the world. They were getting a “joint training exercise” with 2A, though…that could really mean anything as far as Jun thought. It could be a competition, to try and bring out the competitive spirit between the classes. It could be a tournament, to try and test their skills so far. It could be a simple pairing-up, to have 2A teach them what they’d learned before and so test how well they actually understood the information. Whatever it was, though, Jun was pretty well sure it would be tiring, testing. There was a field trip, too, to Otheon. She’d never been there, but it’d be interesting to see the differences in how they did Hero work, how they organized it, how effective their methods were. Fingers tapped against the desk in contemplation. New students, too, that was the other thing. The Todoroki Siblings and Mischa Belic. Jun’s eyes scanned over the pair, Endeavor’s relatives who didn’t seem to carry the same sort of absolute fire nonsense as him, sucking her lip briefly. Naito would be interesting to train against, the sort of bare-knuckle fight that’d let her test her own training regimens, while Hinata would maybe be alright to talk to. Maybe. They’d both been to America, so doubtless they’d be sorta loud. As for Belic…well, she wasn’t Japanese, that much was obvious. What did that name sound like it was from? Jun wasn’t really too sure. She’d be different, though. Oh, and Amaya had been elected as class president. [i]Thank god[/i]. She’d had to have to try and wrangle together the idiots, no matter how effective they were at fighting Nomu. Speaking of idiots, then one came over. Jun stared at Kyoya as they approached, stared as he smacked her desk with his hand, stared as he [i]got onto her desk[/i]. What sort of nonsense… [indent][quote][i][color=E0FFFF]"Everyone, I'm sure we can take our Senpais in a fight. Don't try to stop me Akira! I will fight them right now! No...that's boring." "Oh I didn't know you went from blackhaired to whatever shade of brown dye that is? That's a good look, but you... me, here, now, FIGHT ME!”[/color][/i][/quote][/indent] [color=#DAA520]“Get your butt off my desk, Kyoya. If I wanted to fight children I’d go to the elementary school,”[/color] Jun replied, mouth wry at the undercut joke. Another came up, Akira, apologizing and such as a little smile appeared on her face. She could feel that other quirk come up between them, a small little wall that’d likely interfere with her own talents if ever there felt a need to use them. [indent][quote][i][color=yellow]"What did I say about getting into fights? That's right proper venue." "Don't worry much about him, he loves picking fights with everyone."[/color] [color=fff79a]“Sometimes, I think he's Mirko’s secret love child because of how much of a fight magnet he is!”[/color][/i][/quote][/indent] She nodded in thanks, smile still on her face, before Haru piped-in. Jun turned to him, the comment making her chuckle aloud. Izanagi replied to one question on the training session, though. [i]Chains and cages[/i]. Well, that answered her initial contemplation, seemed like it would be something aimed more at a competition or a test. Darn.