[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/c2Golyt.png[/img][/center] [color=peru][center][h2]Stratya Durmand[/h2][/center] Time:[/color] 28th Sola, Daytime [color=peru]Location:[/color] Edin Theater [color=peru]Attire:[/color] [url=https://i.imgur.com/FOg6BjE.jpeg]Military Formal[/url], but in Caesonian colors [url=https://i.imgur.com/PEMSUSV.jpeg]Family Dirk[/url] + [url=https://i.imgur.com/sS8bDBR.jpeg]Crest[/url] [color=peru]Interactions:[/color] Anastasia [@princess], Lorenzo [@FunnyGuy] [color=peru]Mentions:[/color] Fritz [@JJ Doe], Drake [@Lava Alckon], Farim The Princess just made a zombie joke in public, regarding a conversation that- ooh, goodness, she’s not good with legally deadly secrets, is she? Nope. That tracks. The captain smiled, however,[color=peru] “Haha, aye, nae zombies. What a crraze ye were in yesterrday morrn. Maybe ye shoul’ take tae morrnin’ tea, Y’ Rradiance?”[/color] It was common for people to drink coffee or, more commonly, tea, to help with mornings, right? Getting your head on straight and all that. Stratya, skillfullly, gripped the cheese cup in the pinky and thumb tip of the hand holding her pretzel and lifted it from her iced tea hand, then let her cup of tea slide down to free the tip of her other thumb and index finger to receive the cup of cheese, [color=peru] “Aah, aye, I would ‘ate forr anythin’ tae interrupt our Good Duke’s perrforrmance. I mus’ say, I’ll be anticipa’in’ t’ perrformance frrom ‘ome.”[/color] The Captain turned and offered the Duke of Vermillion a grin, as she dipped her pretzel in her cheese cup and took a bite. Her home village was in Vermillion, and hopefully he was aware of that. From the stage, Farim shared a sweet story of his meeting his falcon, after a powerful greeting. Her own encounters with wildlife were scarcely so wholesome, though there the fox her family kept. She was sorely short of a pet, here in Sorian, however. Farim’s display of falconry was incredible. His bond with his bird was exemplary. Thara undestood each motion the man made, and was trusting and loyal enough to follow them without hesitation. A hand lay over Anastasia’s as the Princess gripped on to the Captains’ arm,[color=peru] “ooooh~! Yes, they’ve a good feel ferr each ot’err.”[/color] It had been difficult to watch them both as Thara made her entrance, swooping into the audience before pulling away on Farim’s signal. She managed to catch the impressive feat, however. As the dance continued, the impression did not shrink,[color=peru] “aah, an’ she’s such a focus to ‘err. A fyne beast.”[/color] The knight met the Princess's excited gaze, nodding, clapping with the Royal beside her, quite impressed though she did not rise to her feet [color=peru] “Ooooh, hoh hoh hohoooh, wha’ a stunt,”[/color] A bond like this, a bond formed without shared words, was no meager feat.[color=peru] “Aye, I saw. Their bond is amazing, indeed like they ken t’ other’s mind.. I wonderr ‘ow much tyme they've spen’ on trrainin’?”[/color] She went for a whistle, but thought better of it at the last moment. The orchestra warmed and Drake took the stage, with the trained elegance she’d come to expect from him. A striking contrast to his birthday party performance, though even drunk, he somehow gave an air of refined tastes. She stayed quiet for his mini-concert, nodding to Anastasia as they appreciated the performance. The first piece lead in with a gentle pattern before the pianist erupted into chaos and the orchestra chased behind. Stratya was surprised, she was expecting a piece of beauty, not the uneven, unsteady, tilted energy that came from Drake in the first piece. More to him than meets the eye? Oh, but naturally. Then, one of the pieces from the party. A slow, gentle melody. Yes, that really set the image for a contrast with his state at the party. Nailing it, Drake. The next piece was a driving and hopeful, balanced against an edge of tension. A song of overcoming a struggle to a brighter future, perhaps?[color=peru] “Aye, qui’e t’ emotional prresence.”[/color] The captain clapped and rose with the audience. It was quite moving, reaching them like that with just a bit of music. She laughed softly as Anastasia mentioned Drake’s front flip off the stage, the last time,[color=peru] “we’ll ‘ave tae le’ ‘im forge’ tha’ eventually.”[/color] When Anastasia took the stage to announce the next person, she was pleasantly surprised. The young Royal was a natural speaker, despite.. Stratya thought for a moment. Had Anastasia done a public address before? The Captain didn’t have the longest memory of Sorian to recall, herself, but she’d never heard of it, either. Which didn’t necessarily mean much, she didn’t expect folks to talk about an address from six or even three months ago. [color=peru] “Herr Rradiance has such a rrelaxin’ prresence, nae?”[/color] Anastasia and Count Fritz had gone to the stage to be Masters of Ceremony, leaving Lorenzo seated with her. She turned her head to face him and noticed the ferret, Kier! She gasped, her hands flying to her face in adoration, her excitement carefully tempered with a soft voice[color=peru] “oh! Ye’ve brrough’ t’ lit’le one~!”[/color] She took her glove off and reached her hand out slowly, to let Kier sniff her first.