[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/dhHhENc.png[/img][/center] [hr] Reiji sighed as the hologram disappeared with little to no fanfare, 'dumping'—in her own words—Class 1B to their senpais of 2A, one of those being himself. He had just gone back from Deika City, and it looked as if he would be departing again. This time, on a field trip to Ortheon. Mostly to help with the training for the 1B students, he assumed. He was the Male Class Representative for 2A, so he was used to helping out the teachers running errands and whatnot. Not that he minded. It was only fair, frankly. Being a class rep looked good on his CV since it was well-known in the hero field that hero aspirants tended to have strong...personality, to say the least. And thus, actually functioning as a class rep, corralling those strong personalities together, needed some leadership skills and aptitude for coordinating a team. Furthermore, it gave him the chance to network since some of the errands he helped run occasionally took him to Pro Hero offices or other professionals in the field. Despite the hype surrounding 'solo' heroes such as Mirko, the truth was in the hero profession, networking was essential, and even when they want to project a 'solo' persona, they usually have staff in their office that handles relations with other stakeholders. Well, at least this trip would be to a hotspot tourist spot of Otheon, the famous island that was raised from the sea by a Quirk User. Provided everything went well, it would be a nice change of pace after Deika City. He was interning with the Teknus Agency under Ironman, and thus, he was tied up helping the agency deal with an incident involving the villain Doom Reaper, who had attempted to use Ironman's inventions for a wide-scale city assault in Deika City. Ultimately, though they managed to contain the situation, Doom Reaper continued to elude capture, but that was probably only a matter of time. Though it must have been humiliating for someone with an intelligence enhancement quirk to be outsmarted by a quirkless guy in armour. Thanks to that, he had missed out on that whole debacle involving Nomu and Class 1B. But he had heard the gist of it from his fellow class president. "Would you like for me to look up notable spots in Otheon, Master?" a voice chimes in from his watch. Prisma, one of the few AI in the world running on photon-based computers, developed by the Teknus Agency with his contribution. "Sure. Thank you, Prisma," Reiji replied. At least she didn't actually use the holographic projection function, it'd make him lose the respect of his underclassman fast, probably, if the—in his opinion—cringe moniker 'Furious Five' didn't already. It'd make it less weird to be called master when it was just a disembodied voice of an AI. It was another thing when it came from a projected holographic image of a blue-haired anime girl. For some reason, Ironman, aka Yotsubashi Tomasu—Actually, he knew exactly why, it was his idea of a joke to embarrass him—had decided to make his AI one of those '2d Waifu'. Seeing Tokoyami already started one of his chuuni rants, Reiji decided to step in. He stepped up before addressing the 1B students, "I believe this is the first time we've met? I'm Akizuki Reiji, the Male Class President for 2A. Hero Name, the Lightmoulding Hero: Magitecher. I was tied up with my internship responsibilities with Teknus Agency during that whole debacle you all experienced. But I've heard good things. It's good to meet you all. As for questions regarding the field trip, this came somewhat suddenly for us, too, so as Tokoyami said, we're not sure how much we can, or are allowed to tell you. After all, being thrown into an unfamiliar environment unprepared is also par the course for hero work. But I'll make sure to confirm with Yatagarasu-sensei or the other instructors later."