[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/480bdPN.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/250202/cbfc046659ce4f8f66970fea3746bcca.png[/img][/center] [hr] [hr] Ace had been, quite cleverly he thought, hidden behind the professor's hologram during the announcements- leaning back at that long vacant desk, legs kicked up and crossed atop its edge. It was all about entrances, after all, and if the professor wasn't going to use his desk, then somebody certainly had to! The fox was more pretty, than handsome- at least, so long as one could get past his mutant nature. Androgynous in the extreme, his style was little help, riding the line enough to leave people guessing at his gender. He was quietly taking a file to his nails, carefully maintaining the points they naturally grew to, and glanced up only briefly when the hologram dispersed to favor the classroom with a smile. Despite the toothy nature of a vulpine face, he managed to make it seem pretty, wiggling his fingers in the semblance of a wave before he returned his attention to the task at hand. Despite his apparently keep interest in nail care, he kept an ear pivoted towards the rest of the class, trying to get a feel for this supposedly wild bunch. Spending time in the States had been a good move, he knew, but it had certainly left him out of the loop here, and what he'd caught up on so far painted the picture of a chaotic, trouble prone group of misfits. Which, he supposed, was par for the course for a hero course, but they could at least stand to be less blatant about it... He found himself rolling his eyes at the antics of Kyoya, all too familiar with that type, and peering warily towards Kagari soon after. The little giggle sounded positively [b]menacing[/b]- Just what was she daydreaming about? He'd heard less sinister laughs from actual villains! Then, the contributions of his own yearmates. He loosed a soft, breathy laugh as Reiji's introduction came to a close, looking up through his lashes at the lot of them, brilliant green gaze sweeping across them each in turn. [color=3FA142]"What Reiji means to say is he's heard a lot, and he's choosing only to listen to the good bits~. You all gathered quite a reputation while we were away, you know. I'm still sorting through all the gossip. Oh, and, don't mind Izanagi too much. The only chains and cages he knows about are stashed in his room, where he thinks I won't find them~. The field trip was only sprung on us a few minutes before it was on you all, so don't get your hopes up too high on questions. So far as the training exercise goes, we'll be feeling you all out in our own ways. Some of us are a little more prone to tests of strength than others, so get stretching, hmn? Personally, I just plan to get to know you all a little, do a bit of.... Digging~."[/color] He grinned, playfully menacing, as he pressed a nail to his temple- The implications of his tone somehow riding the line between flirtatious and deeply disconcerting. Was he planning to dig through their heads? Just seeing who of them was made uncomfortable by the thought alone? [color=3FA142]"Now, if that covers all the baseline questions, let me get some introductions from you all. I know your names, but I don't know the faces to put them with, yet. At least, not most of you. I, for one, am Akai Jace. You can call me Ace, or Vulpes if we're in costume. I just got back from Stateside, so I'll need whichever one of you is the local gossip hound to catch me up on all the good tea after class. Knowledge is power, and all- and the little things come in handy as much as the big things."[/color]