[b][h2][CENTER]MATSURU YAOYOROZU[/CENTER][/h2][/b] [i][color=deepskyblue]"Oh shit... Here we go again."[/color][/i] This felt almost like a severe case of deja vu. Leaning on the back wall of the class, head buried in book, Matsuru couldn't help but feel a weird sense of nostalgia. What was only a short amount of time ago, though felt like lifetimes, Matsuru was being first introduced to the new wave of first years in Class 1B. He sighs as he remembers how that day went... Thinking back on how he threw a book at Yusuke, he came to the conclusion that it could have definitely gone better. Now, here they are all back. For better or for worse. In his hands was a collection of short stories about Yuuki-Onna. Not his preferred choice of reading, but he wanted to get to know more about the mythos. A small purple hue emanated from his eyes. Not enough to be obvious, but just enough to be noticeable. His quirk, Judgement Gaze, was active. Both in a way to read faster, but also to observe his surroundings while he reads. There were still some familiar faces around him. Haru, Jun, and Akira just to name a few. He wanted to approach them, to speak about what happened in Shibuya. To share the truth, that he had once encountered Keyaru... How many of them knew about the first time the public encountered a Nomu? As much as his body yearned to confide in his teammates, he kept it to himself. [i][color=deepskyblue]"No, it's not a good time now... We just got back from an intense battle. Best save it for a later time."[/color][/i] He thought to himself. The announcement of the new female class rep and her outburst was largely ignored by Matsuru. It's rhetoric he's heard a thousand times. In truth, he can barely even think about the supposed mock battle between his old class, 2A, and his new peers, 1B. His mind is still occupied with more important matters. He woke to news that his father's, Norma Yaoyorozu, was planning a company conference in Otheon. Only than to learn that his class was going there for a trip... He didn't like his Hero Education crossing paths with his past. Outside of Rin, he barely speaks to anyone about his childhood and life before UA. It was a different Matsuru back then... He wants to keep it that way. [i][color=deepskyblue]"Speaking of which... Where is Rin?"[/color][/i]. He wanted to visit her for a while. Hell, he hasn't even seen her since the aftermath of Shibuya. But conflicts kept popping up at the worst times, always delaying his visit. He knows she doesn't hate him for it, but still... When Reiji, Izanagi, and Ace stepped up to center stage, Matsu put his book down. It never escaped him that they were here for something important. Was it to oversee the class? He thought Rin and himself already had that covered. He knew them, of course. They were his classmates. But their familiarity stops at that. There was a starch difference between Matsu and the other 2A senpai's in the class. That being, of course, Shibuya. [quote]"I believe this is the first time we've met? I'm Akizuki Reiji, the Male Class President for 2A..."[/quote] The perfectionist side of Matsuru stung a bit when he heard Reiji announce himself as the Male Class President. [i][color=deepskyblue]"That's bullshit. I know I wasn't around for the past few weeks, but why couldn't I..."[/color][/i]Before Matsuru could finish that thought, memories flooded in his mind. Memories of skipping class to train by himself, self-imposed study sessions that kept him away from class, those long nights spent with Rin... Yeah, he knows why he wasn't even asked to be class rep. After the formal introductions from his classmates went by, he decided to speak up. [color=deepskyblue]"I wouldn't be so quick to count them out."[/color] He stopped leaning on the back wall and stood up fully. His face is still a bit scarred from the fight in Shibuya. His legs have regrown fully, thanks to the Nomu's quirk. [color=deepskyblue]"We're their senpai's, yes. But as far as my opinion? Many of them outclass the five of us simply by the fight we had in Shibuya."[/color] Matsuru's expecting his words to fall on deaf ears. Do these people even remember him? Who knows. If it is true that he will be fighting alongside his four classmates from 2A against his peers from 1B, does that give him an advantage or a disadvantage? Even with his quirk still active, Matsuru was having a hard time deciding one or the other... This was surely going to turn out to be an interesting year. [color=deepskyblue]"..."[/color] [color=deepskyblue]"Wait, please don't tell me I'm a part of this Furious Five."[/color]