[color=ffb200][center][h3]Seiki Kanako[/h3][/center][/color] [sup]Eiri college, classroom. Sept 18.[/sup] [center][color=ffb200][i]Wonder how long it'll be before this one dies too,[/i][/color] Kanako thought absentmindedly as she listened to the professor talk.[/center] She honestly didn't really care about the professors individually, but she certainly cared that someone or something kept killing them off. [i]All. The. Time.[/i] She had been giving the subject more thought, and getting less and less sleep, as more and more professors were knocked off, and it was anything but a coincidence, as far as she could tell. She hadn't been able to figure out what was causing the deaths, but the more it happened, the more she had started to grow suspicious of others, especially of her classmates. [indent][indent]Could Kanako have simply ignored the shenanigans going on within the classroom and went on with her day, peacefully thinking her own thoughts, not really listening to the conversation at hand, mostly if not completely zoned out with plans to figure out the gist of what had happened in class later? No. No she could not have. Not when fighting Senpais, hair dye, new blood in the class, trips to Otheon, beating up children, joint training, and nondescript maniacal laughter were only [i]some[/i] of the snippets she'd heard without the full context. Clearly, this was a conversation that required actual focus. Although, she personally thought some of these things were funnier without context.[/indent][/indent] [indent][indent]She let out an annoyed huff, resting her head on her hand and centering herself in reality again. She's [i]try[/i] to pay a bit more attention to what was going on in the classroom. She'd already missed most of the conversation, but she could gather some information from the scene at hand.[/indent][/indent] [indent][indent]Kyoya was causing trouble. When was he not? She noticed him glance at her at one point. Was he still under the impression that she could read his mind if he thought at her hard enough? Probably. She'd been keeping him in the dark about how her quirk worked, half because it was funny, half as a tactical move, in case he tried to copy her ability.[/indent][/indent] [indent][indent]Apparently they had some new faces, and new voices, in the class at the moment. Six people she'd not yet met. Four of them hadn't said anything yet, sad. Two did, at least. [color=ffb200][i]I'll have to find time to memorize the others' voices later,[/i][/color] Kanako thought, while she listened to the two from 2A speak, trying to memorize the patterns of their voices, although in the proscess she forgot to listen to their words. A moment later she remembered that she'd been supposed to be listening to [i]what[/i] they were saying, rather than [i]how[/i] they were speaking, and actually put in effort to pay attention to their words, although by now most of the conversation had already been said, and she was left with Ace's name, the fact that he liked gossip, and Matsuru talking about how strong many of the rest from 1B were, and a comment about the Furious Five. All in all, the least productive class Kanako had had since the last one. She hoped this wouldn't become a pattern.[/indent][/indent]