[img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/9b8d50f7-d21c-4b42-b3f6-5b7f00dc50c4.jpg[/img] [i]Angry-3[/i] [color=a2d39c]"Well, words are words and deeds are deeds. We'll see. Anyway, west of town there are some barley fields, and over the fields the lands becomes ragged and tangled, that's where I felt a certain ... malice in the air. I did not see anything specific, it was more a general feeling. The farmers who live near there in their farms started to lock their doors and windows a few months ago. And you won't get into any house if you arrive at night, they won't let anyone in during the dark hours. Have a look around there, knight, if you want to discover the source of the worry."[/color] Her tone lost some of its edge, but not much, by the time she finished. Sir Shane had touched something sensitive earlier, apparently.