[center][h1]Fireteam Anvil[/h1][/center] [center][h2] [color=ec008c]Samantha "Chaos" Dalton[/color][/h2] [/center] [center][h2][color=8dc73f]Chuck "Boomer" Simmons[/color] [/h2][/center] [b]Soundtrack: [url=https://youtu.be/QHPkPMr7UUs?feature=shared] Warrior - Fighting for the Earth[/url] [/b] [hr] Chuck had been firing at targets of opportunity as the CAV flew along the dirt track bumping along. Samantha was driving the CAV and so far they had attracted some attention but the CAV was moving fast enough the PLA had just started to respond. Samantha called out [color=ec008c]“This is going to be a fast stop. When I stop everyone going to the barracks gets out fast.”[/color] Chuck released the strap that was attached to Duke’s harness that secured him to the CAV seat. Chuck lays his helmet against Freya’s so she can hear a private message from him. [color=8dc73f]“Stay alive, beautiful. We are going on a real date after this.”[/color] The CAV had pulled past the row of large tents when it rocked to a stop. Chuck jumped out of the CAV with Duke following him. The CAV rocked as his weight left the vehicle as the shocks responded to less weight. [color=8dc73f]“This is my stop! Thanks for the ride, Chaos.”[/color] The CAV stopped in front of one of the geodesic dome buildings. Chuck ducked between it and a row of tents. He had explosives ready to plant. He wanted to set up explosions for a distraction later. He began to plant charges along the outside of the building. Duke followed along at his side like a shadow. Soldiers began to respond to the team’s arrival, fortunately for Chuck they were focused on chasing down Samantha and the ruckus up front. They didn’t even glance in his direction. Chuck used the team’s attack to divert their attention away from what he was doing. He was quick as he rounded the building, planting explosives close enough together to drop the building. The building was rigged to blow. The timers were tied into the AI in his suit. He smiled, noting that he had yet to be noticed. He checked the bag he had slung over a shoulder that had the prepared C4 charges. He still had plenty. He grinned and looked out over the tent city and began to make his way towards that large center tent. Chuck did his best to duck down between tents so he was not such a large target. He was lucky that they were using large ten meter tall tents. The kind men could move around inside standing up. He began to make his way to the large tent they thought was the command center. He quickly began to place explosives under the back wall of the tents as Duke watched his back. The troops who had seen the CAV had begun to track the vehicle. They had not noticed him yet. Chuck broke into a run moving quickly keeping low. As he planted explosives in every third tent. He was moving quickly. A soldier responding to the alarm going up came around the corner of the tent and Duke lunged his jaws closing over the man’s throat as he rode his body to the ground. The man’s scream was cut off in a gurgle as Duke tore the man’s throat out. Chuck placed the explosive and kept moving after a quick pat on Duke’s head. [color=8dc73f]“Good boy.”[/color] Chuck’s carbine caught the next soldier to find them in the head with a bullet. The man dropped like a marionette with its strings cut. Chuck picked up the man’s rifle and let his carbine fall on his tactical sling. He would conserve his ammo and use what he had found. Duke alerted him to another soldier. Chuck was in position thanks to Duke’s warning and quickly grabbed the man, twisting his head to the side, breaking his neck. Chuck was moving as fast as he could towards the large tent. They had not been slowed down much yet as the two of them worked as a well oiled team hitting the PLA fast and hard. Chuck saw a group of armed soldiers running away from the large tent. Chuck quickly placed explosives along the back wall at 10 meter intervals. Chuck smiled as he activated a larger explosive package with a short timer as he came around the side of the tent. He tossed the larger explosive package inside the entrance. He then began to run after the large group moving away from him. He raised the rifle he had stolen and fired into the back of the five man team. He managed to drop three of them before they realized they were taking fire from the rear. Duke grabbed one of them leaping at the man as Chuck used the butt of the rifle to hit the other man in the face. The man dropped and Chuck turned to help Duke. He put a bullet in the man but Duke didn’t release the man’s throat. That was when the explosive package he had chucked into the large tent went off shredding the canvas and support structure sending shrapnel flying in a 50 meter arc. Chuck sighed and looked at Duke. [color=8dc73f]“Spit that out! You don’t know where it’s been!”[/color] Duke growled but obeyed Chuck this time. Chuck shook his head in disbelief. [color=8dc73f]“Now you think you're a comedian.”[/color] He chuckled and began to make his way back towards the main road. The explosion had cleared enough of the tents that more soldiers were noticing him now. Chuck was being targeted by all the soldiers emerging from tents in the area. He fired the rifle he had taken until it was empty. Chuck was tall enough to see a pickup truck with a heavy machine gun mounted on a tripod in the back coming towards him. He ducked behind yet another row of tents. He set off the explosives he had planted on the smaller tents on his way to the large one. They were going off a few seconds apart adding to the confusion as more shrapnel hit the soldiers running by. His radar and lidar picked up inbound helicopters. Chuck: [color=8dc73f]“We have heavy machine guns on pick ups and helicopters inbound. If you are by that geodesic dome by the barracks, get away. I am bringing the iron rain. Boomer out.” [/color] Chuck found himself the primary target as more soldiers were converging on his location or trying to intercept him. He saw some infantry combat vehicles rolling his way as well. He kept moving back towards Freya. [color=8dc73f]“I am heading back towards you, Battle Goddess. I am bringing company. I hope you don’t mind.” [/color] Chuck grinned as he bantered with the love of his life. While he didn’t like her being in danger, he knew she could hold her own. It was kind of fun to fight with her. He turned a corner and ran into a large group of soldiers who were unloading pistols at him. Thank goodness his armor just shrugged that off. He simply began punching heads and knocking them together. He knew he would need his ammo for heavier targets. He pulled out Lucille and began to make short work of the lightly armored guards. He was tracking the vehicles and waited till they were crossing in front of the geodesic dome building and set off the explosives. The metal siding and supports shredded taking out the pick up and one of the infantry combat vehicles. The pickup was flipped over in the shock wave while the infantry combat vehicle’s armor saved the people inside but a large piece of shrapnel shredded the front tires causing it to collapse onto the axle. It was not going anywhere. The other ICV’s armor got peppered with shrapnel but its wheels were free and still rolling towards him. [hr] Samantha had dropped off the heavies by the barracks area. She had quickly turned the CAV towards the hanger with the mechs in it. She had dropped off Adam outside it as she drove the CAV around the edge of the building. She was looking for an alternative entrance. She wanted to get in unseen so she had time to hack the mechs inside. She slammed on the brakes as she passed a side door. She grinned as she thought to herself [color=ec008c][i]“Bingo!”[/i][/color]. She climbed out and made sure she had all her gear with her. She was surprised that there was no real security on the door. It was simply a mechanical lock, no biometrics, or cameras. She got the feeling the building originally had another purpose. It had been co-opted by the PLA and they hadn’t had time to revise their security much. They probably didn’t expect anyone to be crazy enough to assault them head on. Samantha quickly picked the lock and slid inside the hangar. She quickly found out why they hadn’t bothered with security. There was a squad of soldiers assigned to the bay. They had cots laid out in the back corner with footlockers. The soldiers were going about their business. Some of them were eating breakfast. A few were on patrol duty at the main hangar doors. The side door she had come in was for personnel. The large hangar doors rolled up to allow easy access to take the larger equipment and vehicles in and out. There were two mechs in the hangar as well as a heavy armored vehicle with a mounted heavy machine gun and grenade launcher. There was no way Samantha could sneak in and do what she needed to do without taking them out. She sighed and stretched her neck back and forth before grabbing two of her knives. She was grateful for her black armor as it helped her hide in the shadows. She began to stalk her first victim. She didn’t want to waste more time than she needed to. She was conscious it would take time to hack the mechs. She snuck up behind a soldier who had his back to her who was checking his rifle. She grabbed him with her hand over his mouth to muffle his cry as she quickly used her knife to end his cries. She let his body fall to the ground as she helped him fall silently. She stepped over him and moved along the wall towards the group in tha back on the cots. She managed to catch another who looked like he had just woken up. He was sitting on the edge of the group. She snuck up behind him, keeping low. She once more clamped her hand over his mouth as she slashed his throat. She let his body fall to the cot. She rolled across the floor and under another cot. This time she stabbed up through his throat from underneath the canvas cot. She knew her luck had run out as a shout went up. She rolled again and came up on one knee as she began to throw daggers. She managed to catch the man giving the alarm in the throat. She turned to the next guy but he managed to deflect the dagger as it lodged in his forearm. She pulled out her pistol and targeted the same man. She managed to nail him in the chest. She was now up on her feet and moving fast. She was using all her parkour skills to bounce around and stay out of the reach of the men chasing her. They had fired at her a few times but she had managed to keep moving. They were having a hard time hitting her. She used one cot like a trampoline causing it to flip over as she launched herself towards the man who was their leader if the rank insignias on his collar were correct. She left a knife in his chest as she then flipped backwards and landed between three soldiers closing on her. She pulled out the tungsten carbide fighting sticks and put them to good use. She nailed one in the head and he dropped like a sack of flour. The other two had some hand to hand skills and managed to dodge her next few blows. She managed to land a blow on one of the men’s ribs. He fell in a cry of pain curled up on his side. The last one managed to land a punch that had her reeling for a moment as she saw stars. She recovered with a sweep that took his feet out from under him. She hit him in the head with one of the sticks. She knew there were at least two more guarding the main doors. They had guns on them. She used what cover she could find as she took fire from the men by the door. She heard their radio crackle and knew she was out of time. If they reported about her then she wouldn’t have time to hack the mechs. She ran as fast as she could towards them. She pulled out two more knives. She was more accurate with her knives than her guns. She flipped one end over end towards the guard on the right. She nailed it. The other dodged her toss. He was firing directly at her as she approached. She zig zagged to make it harder for him to hit her. He clipped her arm which spun her off balance. She raised her pistol and fired at his head at close range. She couldn’t miss from this distance. Suddenly there was silence in the bay except for the crackle of the radio as soldiers were reporting being attacked. She quickly dispatched anyone left alive. She didn’t have time to babysit them and she couldn’t be interrupted. She pulled the bodies out of her way. She used one of their blankets to clean up as much of the blood on her as possible. She didn’t want it to drip on a circuit board while she was working. She got out her tools and opened up the access panel on the first mech. [color=ec008c]“This is Chaos. The PLA had a party waiting. I crashed the party. Working on the objective now.”[/color]