The constant pinballing was beginning to agitate the Ravager, animal rage fueling an instinctive, survival driven sense of focus as its muscles tensed in preparation for a violently clever move. Thrusting its clawed hands forward, it violently pushed and tugged on the grip of Aracite, throwing the two into a violent spin, momentum allowing Barrusom it to loosen the grip of its middle limbs and commit to a spin motion. The next shockwave would not hit Barrusom, but was instead shredded and torn apart, ripping the continuum to ruins, and leaving the pair of warring beast's to plunge cataclysmically through the newly formed rift, producing a monstrous tidal splash. Consequently, Exeter's attack failed a second time, as Barrusom “escaped” into the acid ocean of the Outerverse. Few things could survive its corrosive body, least of all, matter forms that had not achieved a logos upgrade, among other non-native entities of the strange universe. In other words, sending the blade into that red and white abyss would yield disastrous effects on her barely existing weapon. In the midst of the tidal wave, several nearly inexplicable events transpired, namely, the rumbling vibrations riding the subcurrents of space as the monsters wailed on each other underwater. Randomly, they would appear, swiping, and slashing, and puncturing, piercing, and bludgeoning each other's flesh upon the islands of materialized memories scattered across the arena, only to instantly disappear and reappear on another. Sometimes they would collide with the masses, shattering them, and producing enormous debris fields. It was all too unpredictable. Then, suddenly, space bulged directly beneath Exeter and the facsimile's feet, followed immediately by an explosive burst of acid the size of a planet, Aracite and Barrusom, thrashing and mauling each other relentlessly amidst the eruption.