[center][abbr=Ace Cadet][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190924/544c85ab5c75bc61a4bb5ce40dc0caa6.png[/img][/abbr] [color=salmon]Word Count: 1323 (+3 exp x2)[/color] [color=salmon][u]Level[/u]: [b]9[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 289/90 [b]Location:[/b] Inside the Qliphoth, The Dead Zone[/color][/center] While keeping an ear out for how the allies behind him were doing, Ace focused his offense solely on the Gravemind. Yato felt good in his hands, and he took full advantage of the fact that the Guardian had chosen to turn its own attention on Sectonia and Grimm for the moment. Each stroke of the sword was powerful, able to rend the Gravemind's flesh, and they were only getting stronger. The fervent fang gem that the Cadet had slotted into one of the notches on Yato swiftly built up increased damage the longer the hunter went unchecked on top of its base increase, and Ace's own skill with a longsword meant that he could move through spirit combos swiftly. His blade bit through pounds of the monster's flesh, carving its trunk and the base of its nearest limb. Its skin sagged to fill in gaps, and when it finally had suffered enough to address the hunter below it Ace was prepared. He backed off slightly when its massive body shifted unlike when it moved to strike out with its tentacles. When it brought its head low, the Cadet thought it might try to eat him - in which case it would be in for a big surprise. He flexed his rigging in preparation, but instead the Gravemind regurgitated a fresh horror. Ace avoided the stomach acid that rain downed, and he raised his sword when the animated ball of corpses hit the ground and rushed at him. It didn't even look like it had a front or back end, just mashed together bodies with out of place metal plates fused onto it, but it had chosen one side of itself to slam into the Cadet. Ace caught it with the broad side of the blade, raising his other hand to brace the weapon as he forced the thing to come to a halt. He winced, because in his experience these kinds of swords weren't meant to block - but the Yato held up. Ace pushed back against the macabre sphere, flicked the sword onto its sharp side and drew it deep across the monster in one quick, long slice. Though blood sprayed, the creature was dense. It didn't fall that easily. Hands and arms sprouted from the corpse ball, joining the limbs that already stuck out of it that served as its legs. There were more than a half dozen of them, and when the ball lurched towards Ace again they all extended their fingers to scratch, slap, punch, and snatch at him. At the same time the ball swung its bulk around, going for several body slams if it could just catch the hunter with one to start. For the most part it was unsuccessful; Ace stood his ground and parried its movements, countering when he could. He didn't want this little fight to spill over and interrupt the others after all. He sliced off limbs and pieces of the ball, but it didn't appear to slow down itself either. The monster hunter narrowed his eyes. He studied it while he fought, and though he didn't find any obvious weak points there were, curiously, those metal plates. They were haphazardly grafted to the corpse ball, and though it was easy to dismiss it as just a byproduct of being some sort of fused golem it was possible they weren't so randomly placed on its body. Then, he heard something disconcerting from the nearby battle with D. He was still close enough that he could discern the shouting, the taunts, and everything else from the Consul and Seekers nearby - and he'd judged that they were still alright, without the need for him to jump in. He trusted his companions had the situation in hand, at least up until right that moment. Juri's exaggerated pleading might not have turned his head if she had't specifically mentioned Nadia. Ace tore his eyes from the monster in front of him, snapping his gaze to the side to find out what exactly was going on. He saw the two women battling, a flash of confusion on his face as he tried to parse out what happened, and it was then that the corpse ball found its opening and pressed it. The creature used the opportunity to tuck all but its legs back into itself and push against the ground, careening toward the Cadet like a runaway boulder and slamming its full weight into him. [color=salmon]"[i]Ghk-![/i]"[/color] At the last moment Ace pushed back against the ball so that he wasn't completely thrown to the ground. The slam had shoved him back closer to the Gravemind, hard enough that he still felt some reverberations through his armor. The corpse ball was already gathering its legs beneath it for another run when he recovered. [color=salmon]"Think you're on a roll?"[/color] Ace said. Though when the ball barreled through again he dove out of the way. It continued forward and slammed itself into the Guardian, seemingly doing more damage to itself than the creature that spawned it. Ace was quick to get back in close - he wedged his sword and the blade of one wing of his rigging into the flesh around one of the ball's metal plates, prying the slab off of its body. Its arms reappeared to try and stop this, but the other half of Ace's rigging severed them. [color=salmon]"And you can't even [i]hand[/i]le this?"[/color] It turned out there was a different looking section of its body here, one that looked less like hastily jammed together corpses and more like one fleshy bulb. The Cadet raised his sword, flipping it over in his grip so he could stab it straight down into the core. The corpse ball writhed, bucked the hunter off of it and twisted itself around for round two. At this point though, Ace had its number. Overhead, while the insect-like Seekers continued their assault, a huge spear made entirely of dark magic slammed into the Gravemind. The impact shuddered across the area, and though it brought a boon with it for the Seekers it also radiated waves of shadow magic while it lingered. [color=salmon]"Oh Gog-forsaken–"[/color] Ace began to curse when he felt himself tense up at the same time the corpse ball lunged at him once more. The Cadet grit his teeth and forced himself to move in time to avoid a direct hit. The creature clipped him with another body slam, painful but not anywhere close to debilitating. In return, Ace stepped onto it and hoisted himself on top of it with a leaping slash, where he could easily access the next plate. By the time reinforcements arrived in the form of Zenkichi and Edelgard, the Cadet had dispatched the corpse ball and taken a small bag of lifepowder from his pouch. He threw the dust into the air where it rapidly spread high and sprinkled down, healing himself every Seeker in the immediate area that were doing battle with D and the Gravemind. It looked like Juri and Nadia's fight was over too, so it was back to going after the Gravemind for the Ace Cadet. First, he called out to those fighting it with him. [color=salmon]"Hey! I don't know if its even possible, but if we could do something about its arms those are the biggest problem right now!"[/color] He still thought the Gravemind could most likely regrow its limbs, but the way its tentacles branched into smaller tendrils made him think there was a limit at least. The more energy it had to expend to regeneration was less it could use on attack anyway. With that in mind Ace turned his sword back to the base of its arms. With the Gravemind rather stationary, it would be a good time power up now that the dragon dances were wearing off too. The Cadet pulled in a breath and used Devouring Demon, significantly increasing his power just before he went back on the attack. [indent][/indent] [center][abbr=Pit][img]https://i.ibb.co/7VzgY22/pit.png[/img][/abbr] Word Count: 668 (+1 exp x2) [u]Level[/u]: [b]8[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 193/80 [b]Location[/b]: Inside the Qliphoth, The Dead Zone[/center] No one had any way to touch O, so at the moment all those present in his exhibit area could do was think, prepare, and evade the consequence of the Consul's whims. The next of those were the crocodiles that burst from the water, snatching Junior and Blazermate and dragging them under the surface before the angel could even spin around to try and help. Thankfully neither stayed underwater for very long (though Pit didn't think Blazermate actually needed to breathe), and after that point he was sure that the lot of them could take a couple of crocs. Pit turned back to O, and the adjacent battles. He saw the observation tower rise up and the Gravemind dislodge a hoard of flying minions, and decided to take on the latter. He still didn't have a way to hurt O, and the building would just break itself - so he sniped drones from the air as they fanned out, too numerous for him to single-handedly take all of them out with his bow though not for lack of trying. For good measure Pit tried being a little sneaky, targeting the drones but directing a few arrows to swoop at the dismembered eyes while O was seemingly distracted. Of course nothing got through to O, besides anger at his creations being destroyed. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow][i]Ugh, how are we even supposed to fight this guy?![/i][/color] [color=springgreen][i]Hmm. With the power he's showing off -remote viewing, summoning buildings, commanding animals, altering the landscape- I wouldn't be surprised if he was some kind of deity. Then again, he mentioned cost so maybe not.[/i][/color] Palutena's voice chimed in telepathically in Pit's head, unexpected but not unwelcome. Apparently she'd stayed tuned in since Pit had talked to her during the trek up to the Guardian's room. [color=springgreen][i]And if he's a mere mortal, then he must be close by.[/i][/color] [color=lightgoldenrodyellow][i]So you think he really is around here, just invisible?[/i][/color] [color=springgreen][i]I don't think he would be able to do everything he's doing if he wasn't.[/i][/color] What she was saying made a lot of sense. His building ability was pretty precise, so there was no delay between what O was seeing and what he was doing. If he was present, then he could be targeted! That would really put a stop to the Consul. They only had to find him. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow][i]Any idea who he is in the first place, Lady Palutena?[/i][/color] [color=springgreen][i]...from just a pair of eyeballs? You flatter me, Pit![/i][/color] Finding O sounded like a plan, but it was immediately clear it was easier said than done. Pit got a higher point of view from which to search by leaping up onto one of the remaining trees in the habitat and scrambling to the top. He looked around wildly, trying to see anything that might be O's real body - or any places he could have concealed himself in. Needless to say it was a monumental task, spotting something like that amid the incredibly chaotic battlefield. Not to mention he couldn't spend all his time just searching when everyone, including himself, were being harried by horrors great and small. A deimos drone had finally managed to sneak up on him, clearing away the buffs the dancers had bestowed before he wriggled free and sliced it in two with a huff. He continued striking down the Gravemind's minions as he scanned the area, light arrows streaking through the sky to put down floodfested on land and in the air. A shadow passed overhead, making Pit look up as one of the Gravemind's tentacles began rapidly descending on the habitat - and the tree he was in. His eyes widened and he abandoned his perch, leaping from the branches and only just clearing the huge green limb. Pit rolled when he landed, back on his feet in no time. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Finding his hiding spot is gonna be like finding a needle in a haystack!"[/color] he shouted in complaint, evidentially about to undertake a different method from the Koopa siblings in regards to this unconventional battle.