[centre][img]https://see.fontimg.com/api/rf5/1GB4L/ODJkOTY2ODQwNjFiNDE5NWJkZDQ4YmRiOTFlNDViNzYub3Rm/U3lsIEFyY2hlcg/marquesfree-italic.png?r=fs&h=51&w=1250&fg=8D8D8D&bg=FFFFFF&tb=1&s=41[/img][/centre] [hr][INDENT][sub][color=B5B7BB][B]Location:[/B][/COLOR] [i]Pier[/I][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][COLOR=B5B7BB][b]Interaction(s):[/b][/COLOR] [I]N/A[/I][/right][/SUP][/indent][hr]Syl barely paid any attention to the conversations going on around him, not that he had much of a choice. A lazy smile rested on his lips as his fingers danced to a soundless tune beneath his purring Espeon’s chin. When Sai wanted attention, she got it. That didn’t mean he was entirely out of the loop, but it did mean he mostly caught bits and pieces instead of full sentences. The Pokétopia Foundation had gathered quite the group for their grand opening. Everyone here was famous in one way or another, even if he didn’t recognise many of them—Professor Sycamore might have been right about him needing to find a hobby. He couldn’t help himself though, they were just too entrancing for him to step away. Training and researching were two sides of the same coin, and both sides were his passion. It might have– [i]Huh?[/i] The grumpy girl, uh, whatever her name was. Anyway, something she said finally brought his attention back to the group. [colour=B5B7BB]“Oh? I’ve got a Salamence who’d take that as a challenge. What say we put them to the test? We could even–”[/colour] Ah, there was the captain. Syl’s eyes wandered past the captain to the Machamp following him. Well-formed head ridge, developed muscles, and a healthy shine. It was certainly well taken care of if nothing else. It lacked the ruggedness of its more battle-focused brethren, though whether that was because it wasn’t one or it just hadn’t done battle in a while, Syl couldn’t say. Either way, it was a good specimen. He would have loved to have a closer look at it in his lab. That wasn’t allowed though. Apparently, he needed to “get out more” and “interact with people”. As if he didn’t get enough of that already. [colour=C8A2C8][i]“Esp.…”[/i][/colour] Right. They were supposed to be taking attendance. Syl flashed a smile, idly scratching Sai under her chin in thanks, [colour=B5B7BB]“Syl Archer. Here and present. Nice to see you alive, captain. I feared the worst.”[/colour] Syl paused and tilted his head as he watched the Machamp pass by. Did he remember to pack his luggage?