[centre][img]https://see.fontimg.com/api/rf5/WXgv/MTkyMjkyMDJkMjNiNDc2YWJiNmFlNjEyNzY0MTgwNzIudHRm/S2F6dW1hIFl1aQ/xenosphere.png?r=fs&h=45&w=3000&fg=F91111&bg=FFFFFF&tb=1&s=15[/img][/centre] [hr][sub][colour=00aeef]Location[/colour]: 1-B Classroom, Eirei Academy, Shibuya[/sub][hr]Yui was.... conflicted. On one hand, he'd confirmed the quality of his network to a degree, having accurately reported a Nomu sighting to him. On the other hand, things had gotten just a tad bit out of hand after following it. The mayor being a villain was less of a surprise to him than it probably was to most people. If there was one thing he knew, it was that power was far easier to obtain when one didn’t overly concern themselves with petty [i]“morality”[/i]. [i]How ghastly to even think about![/i] Yui glanced down at his Hawkspad as his thoughts trailed off. Apparently, at least according to the footage of the happenings inside the classroom, they were meant to be going on a joint training exercise with Class 2-A. What all that actually entailed, Yui couldn’t rightly say. It could be a competition, to try and bring out the competitive spirit between the classes. A competition of sorts, maybe? Perhaps, it would be a no-holds-barred clash to decide the superior class once and for all. Most likely, it would be some boring event led by Class 2-A to do something he couldn’t care less about, though he was open to being surprised, as always. At the very least, they were going on a field trip to Otheon. An excursion outside of Japan was always welcome. A bit of research was probably in order before the time for the trip actually arrived though. Then, there were the new transfer students. The Todoroki Siblings and one Mischa Belic. One of the twins was apparently Quirkless. A slow smile spread across Yui’s lips at the thought. It was always a wonder to see one of them among the Quirkful like this. Further evidence of just how uninteresting the average person really was. The other twin had a Quirk that was fairly similar to his own, so that was interesting, in more ways than one. His was still better, of course. The only problem he could foresee from the two was the fact that they came from America, and he had heard less-than-stellar things about them. He’d form his own opinion on them later. The other transfer student was neither Japanese nor American as far as he could tell. That was something he’d have to figure out later, too. Oh, and Himura-san was elected as the female class representative. That was fine, he supposed. Soon after the announcements, the hologram’s message ended and someone was revealed to have been sitting behind it the whole time. Someone...? Yui’s footsteps paused for a moment. .... Was that a furry? His eyes were drawn away from whoever that was to something else, and Yui barely stopped himself from rolling his eyes. Oh. It was just Takari doing Takari things. Seeing his destination coming up, Yui breathed a soft sigh, collapsing the footage and removing his Hawkspad from his bracer. Almost immediately, its generic screen returned and he pocketed the device. One of his fingers tapped his bracer absentmindedly and a voice chirped from the device. [colour=orchid][b][i][95% remaining.][/i][/b][/colour] His steps came to a halt in front of the classroom door. [i]A hero is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to.[/i] .… That might have been a wizard, actually. Well, whatever. Time to get this day over with. With that final thought, Yui made his way into the room. [colour=lime]“Pleasure to meet you, senpais. Let’s try to get along.”[/colour] Preferably not, though.