[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/250203/9f137277dbd80a25c63e1704d37af094.png[/img][/center] There was an explosion upstairs, and Poison Oak let out an exasperated sigh as dust rained down. He rubbed his temples in frustration. [color=green]“Does everyone always operate this recklessly, or is today special?”[/color] At Ethan’s request, Pine extended his senses, vines slithering through cracks and spreading outside the building. His glowing eyes flickered as he detected movement. [color=green]“There’s someone at the west service entrance, another by the north exit. I can trap them, but with these people have been cutting my vines, it will not hold forever.”[/color] With a flick of his wrist, the vines wove into thick, thorny barricades, cutting off the exits. Pine scoffed at the announcement of a bomb but said nothing. If it bought them time, so be it. After Ethan’s display of power, they made it to the rooftop. Pine steadied himself and surveyed the city below. The heroes were regrouping. Police were tightening their perimeter. And for what? A bunch og humans throwing their money to causes that hurt the planet they live on? [color=green]“I do hope there’s a plan in place, or this bank will be our grave.”[/color]