In the stillness of the morning Mischa laid on her bed sleeping peacefully, perhaps too peacefully. She was sprawled out, the duvet was kicked off to the sides while drool rolled down the bottom left corner of her mouth pooling into and soaked up by her pillow like an unwilling sponge. Then the silence was broken by the alarm she set on her phone with the phrase [][i]we are fucking super stars.[/i][/url] Mischa let out a snort and her hand reached out to grab the phone only to slap her nightstand a couple of times before she was able to successfully grab her phone and turn the alarm off. She gazed at the time shone from her phone with sleep in her eyes and let out a loud groan as she buried her face into the pillow. [color=#ff6842]"Oh God dammit. I have to go to school today."[/color] Before Mischa could reasonably attend her courses, she was given a five days off by the college to get adjusted to her new environment and more importantly get over jet lag. Essentially, she had almost an entire week of vacation where she could just explore Tokyo to her heart's desire and she most certainly did that. She went to the Meiji Jingu, ate some dango, explored Shibuya, ate some authentic ramen, went to the Tokyo National Museum, ate even more tasty food, and the list goes on. [color=#ff6842]"I really spent half of my time eating, didn't I?"[/color] She mused to her self, her gaze scanned her dorm room. It was spacious enough for one person, but she would've preferred to have gotten her own apartment instead of living in the college dorm, but her transfer was very much last minute so she couldn't complain. At least she was able to get a room to herself. Mischa stood up and pushed the curtains aside to greet the bustling Tokyo morning. It was so much more different than Amsterdam; the architecture, the energy, and the people. It was just so much more massive than she could've ever had imagined that it almost made her head spin and yet there was something exciting about immersing herself in another culture. She smiled softly to herself as she leaned over the windowsill. [color=#ff6842]"Let's make the most of it then."[/color] With that, she got herself ready to face the day. A face cleaned from drool, a change into proper clothes rather than her oversized t-shirt, brushed her unruly bed head, and gave herself a once over inspection in the mirror hanging on her door. [color=#ff6842]"Lookin' good, lookin' good."[/color] The Dutch woman finger gunned herself in the mirror before she lowered her head in shame. [color=#ff6842]"Maybe don't do that in front of your classmates."[/color] She pulled her phone out of her pocket to check the time though arched her brow when she saw that she had a text from her mother. [color=#ff6842]"No idea, how I missed that,"[/color] she muttered to herself as her eyes glanced over the message. [i]Hi honey, I hope you'll have a fun first day of class and make plenty of friends! Text me later! Love you![/i] Mischa grimaced, an odd mix of emotions sat in her stomach. Quickly she sent her mother a message. [i][color=#ff6842]I will mom. Love you too.[/color][/i] She sighed heavily. Fingers flicking through her phone, she quickly checked her other messages and email though she saw something from her homeroom professor. Otheon? A trip to Otheon? Color ran from her cheeks as a feeling of dread set in followed by frustration boiling in her gut. [color=#ff6842]"I JUST FUCKING GOT HERE!"[/color] [hr] [color=#ff6842]"Man, this campus is big. Maybe the professor will let me off the hook for today,"[/color] she muttered to herself. The online tours really did not do this place justice. She had just had breakfast at the campus cafeteria and she left there with another cup of coffee in tow though she had not realized the scale of the college. To speak plainly, she was completely turned around and the only reason she was not as late as she thought she was going to be was because some other students from the other departments had mercy on her and pointed her in the right direction. Eventually, she arrived outside of her classroom. Mischa took a deep breath and placed her hand on her stomach. [color=#ff6842]"Don't do anything stupid. Don't show off. You're a guest in their country."[/color] Her hand grabbed the door handle and she pushed it open. The first thing that she heard were the words, 'FIGHT ME,' 'chains and cages,' and, 'Fuck yeah, Top 11 Wash! What a GOAT!' Mischa looked at them with wide eyes and then stepped out of the room to look at the classroom plaque outside before she poked her head back in. [color=#ff6842]"I, uh, I do have the right classroom, right? Class 1-B?"[/color] She said in very fluent Japanese, but her accent was quite different.