Amaya himura sighed walking through the halls of eirie college. This school was almost as chaotic to get through like her own home. Being the head of the himura bloodline was not the easiest job and often having to leave school for a “illness” checkup wasn’t the greatest cover up even if part of it was naturally true. She slid open the door seeing the her classmates as she shakes her head. Already they were loud “Kyoya-San. For the last time, fighting in fight prohibited classrooms is forbidden. There is such a time and place to use all that obnoxious energy when it comes to training.” She spoke in soft cold annoyance as her eyes held some disappointment in the aspiring hero. She moved away from the chaos sitting down at an empty desk next to a window sitting her bag down beside her before staring out at the world outside. She didn’t need to waste energy or effort on those who wanted fights. Everyone suffered so much. Even she was still recovering. She reached into her sleeve slipping out one of her aunts thermal suckers. She didn’t have a massive draw back of her quirk even if her body and mentally seems to differ but they insisted on giving her these suckers. How could she deny such treats from three hard working indivuals that were of her bloodline. She could tell Ria no but rin was a lot pushier and always had ways to ensure some were around as she even had a pencil cup in her room filled with them. No matter how much she refused they always seemed to found