[center][h1][color=lightblue]Galahad Caradoc[/color][/h1] [/center][hr] This was absurd. The sheer insanity and convolutedness of this entire situation they found themselves in was absurd to the point of comedy. Was that why he was laughing? Galahad had watched the reveal of Cid and Isolde with a quiet interest, letting others do the talking as he regained his breath and let his muscles rest for a moment. He'd expected many things to go wrong, Isolde was oddly accommodating despite her co-leader's reluctance, but such a blatant betrayal was so obvious that Galahad had dismissed the possibility. She wanted ruined their trial and almost doomed them all to a watery death, all in a bid to bring out Cid, to bring him to justice? That was her plan? She spoke of fairness, and taking a risk on her like she did on them. A load of shit. What about this was fair? The laugh that had started out amused, was almost manic at this point. [color=lightblue]"What would you have done if Cid hadn't come to our aid?" [/color] Galahad asked, the mirthless laughter still weaved between his words. [color=lightblue]"Left us to become fish food and wipe your hands of it all? Save us at the last moment just to have us do it again in hopes if would work a second time? What sort of plan is that? If you were that desperate to find Cid, you could've used your words, like the peaceful and civilized Grove you claim to be. Maybe we could've dispelled your mistrust, or you could've convinced us of his treachery."[/color] Pulling his helmet back over his face, Galahad stood, heavy halberd dragging across the dirt and stone as he swung it up and over his shoulder. He planted himself towards the front of the Kirin's formation, only right that he did. They each had their own voices, their own part to play. The vanguard was his. Behind his visor he stared daggers at the Grovemaster. [color=lightblue]"Instead you almost kill us with lies, and attempt to force our compliance with threats. There's no trust left. Even if we told you where he was, would you believe us?Or would you worry about us conspiring against you like you did to us?"[/color] [color=lightblue]"Even if you think Skael, Osprey and Edren do nothing to stand against Valheim, what you're doing is worse than standing idly by. Perhaps we are the only ones left standing, perhaps the rest of the groups Leonhart sent out are dead or killing each other. Maybe we're the only ones standing against Valheim because people like you can't see beyond the bits of glass on your nose."[/color] Esben and Rudolf made their appeals, threats, requests to for her to stand down and rethink her course of action. But Galahad doubted it would work, she was confident in herself, and the soldiers behind her no doubt added to her confidence. Why else would she come with an entire platoon of paladins- they were there to force the Kirin's hands, not to arrest a supposed pretender. A show of force. It'd be a fight, Galahad had no doubt about it. [color=lightblue]"There is no choice, Isolde. You've already made it for us." [/color] Galahad growled. He glanced back at the Kirins, gauging their readiness. They were worse for wear, but compared to Eidolons and undead monster samurai, this was refreshingly mundane, if tough. Perhaps manageable even. Or at least it would've been, if Isolde hadn't bolstered the with spell upon spell. This was likely why she kept Neve away from them as well, just another way to stack the deck against them. His halberd swung forward, speartip pointed at the Grovemasters and her warriors. [color=lightblue]"What happened here, and what happens here, is on you, [i]Grovemaster[/i]."[/color] Galahad practically spat the last word out, the quiet rage and fury he'd been managing these past few weeks all but spilling over now, his patience spent. Everything they'd dealt with- in Edren, Osprey and now Drana Asnaeu, it seemed like misfortune traveled with them wherever they went, as though the fates themselves were hellbent on letting Valheim destroy their continent. [color=lightblue]"Do what you must."[/color] Galahad said quietly, his grip on his halberd tightening as he twisted it. [color=lightblue]"We'll do the same."[/color]