“It's none of your business!” The man snapped back, slapping his daughter lightly on the cheek. “Wake up sweetheart, it's time to go.” He said sweetly to the prone girl as plasma fire ricocheted somewhere out of sight. There was a constant tinkle of broken glass from below them. A dull sanguine light clicked on all across the restaurant. That must be the emergency power supply kicking in, Light thought. He could see multiple groups of diners rising from their booths with guns and suspected very few people in this restaurant were actually civilians. “Get to the back stairs!” The old woman boomed, gesturing to a set of double doors at the back of floor furthest from the atrium. She then reached under the kitchen counter and hauled out a heavy plasma repeater that was almost as big as her. She plonked it on the counter and just in time, because a large black droid floated up to their level along one of the side dining areas. The old woman could barely see over the top of the gun but fired anyway, sending a stream of hot plasma down range. It narrowly missed a group of four women who also opened fire on the attacker. The droid took cover as another one floated up. Light wanted to run for his life. He still hadn’t recovered from their ordeal in the suit shop, and now this was all proving too much. “We have to go!” He quailed, pushing the white hatted man towards the exit as soon as he’d scooped up the little girl into his arms. “You two aren’t going anywhere! Stand and fight like men!” He shouted back over the growing din of gunfire. The one remaining large bald man had pulled out a second pistol and offered it butt-first to Light.