The Screamers were fast. Even without any decent armour and a wave of arrows raining down on them, they still managed to reach the wall. They climbed the siege towers [i]from the outside[/i] and jumped on the battlements. The closest archers didn't have time to react, the blades cut through the air, skin and flesh with swift movements. "Archers, get back! Regroup on that end!" Fenna ordered. "Melee on the battlements." As the archers moved back to the appointed location on the far right side of the wall, from which they could still fire at troops trying to approach the wall or those climbing on it, more soldiers came onto the battlements. Spearwielders positioned themselves between the Screamers, and others pouring in from the siege towers, and the archers to keep them safe. Swordwielders moved in to attack. Two soldiers moved in against one Screamer, but the dual-wielding enemy was perfectly capable of dealing with two enemies at the same time and stabbed both of them. "You three on her, you three take the second. Always make sure you are attacking with three." Fenna locked eyes with the third. "That one is for me." With her spear ready, Fenna moved in as the soldiers around her stepped back and focussed on other enemies instead. The Screamer grinned with bloodlust in her eyes. One blade came down, Fenna blocked. The other came down, Fenna used the other end of her spear to block that too. For the first part of the fight, Fenna deflected any attack the Screamer made, who jumped around to try and get an opening. Fenna turned to move with her. The sword came down, Fenna blocked and swung the spear around to hit the Screamer in the side with the shaft, hard enough to let her grunt and delay her next attack for a couple of seconds. Fenna used that opening to attack with the tip, but the Screamer was nimble and moved out of the way. With a series of quick thrusts, Fenna's aim was to keep the Screamer in the defence. The Screamer jumped up and aimed her blades at Fenna as she came down. Fenna activated the boots of light feet, pushed the spear down on the battlements and threw herself up. The air domain enchantment made her lighter and made it easier to jump. The blades of her opponent cut through air and the sudden miss made her stumble when the Screamer landed. Halfway through the jump, Fenna activated the second ability of her boots: heavy feet. The boots seemed as though they were made of stone and pulled Fenna to the ground, right on top of the Screamer who was turning to meet Fenna where she had projected Fenna would land. They both fell to the ground. The Screamer let out her high-pitched scream as she tried to slash at Fenna with her sword, but with Fenna on top of her she couldn't put a lot of force in the swing and the blade scraped over Fenna's leather armour. Fenna grabbed her dagger and pushed it in her stomach.