I really wanted to make this work, but it'd only make sense if Khor was absolutely and irredeemably batshit insane. That being said deleted scene lets go~: [hider=Taking home a stray... wait that's not a dog] [center] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/17c2b6ee-24bc-4505-be91-90f2c62de23a.png[/img] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/c947456b-861d-4a2e-9ee2-6769f27714a9.png[/img] [h1]Khor, A chainsaw(good growly boy)[/h1] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71VvNutvVfQ&list=PLZvM0cKGTczhgjEFcumnLaogBSOpIaG5u&index=2[/youtube] [hr] [/center] [h2]Some... godforsaken place[/h2] Khor held the chainsaw one last time. It was a noble machine, perfect in every way. A loyal companion that promised to aid any issue, anytime, provided it was handled with a little creativity. Ripping the cord, it purred as the motor fired reliably, happy to serve its owner in whatever was asked of it. Khor tore their eyes away from the marvellous machine. Flicking the kill switch it grumbled, pistons halting in dismay. They couldn’t walk the streets with such a creature. Others just wouldn’t understand. Khor put the chainsaw down on a crate and began to move away. “You’ve been good to me, but you belong out here buddy.” They stopped as they heard a metallic tap on the ground. The chain blade tip balancing on the concrete, holding the machine as if it was begging. Khor waved their hand at it. “No, I said you can’t come. Go on now, get!” The chainsaw disagreed, tipping off the crate to clatter onto the ground, a sad glugging as the fuel flowed back and forth within its petrol tank. Khor brought their hand up, thumb and finger wrapping where their temples would be under their helmet. They walked back over and placed the chainsaw back on the crate. “I told you now I don’t want ’cha, don’t love you no more! Now GET!” The chainsaw fell onto its tip again much as before, Khor dropped their head, eyes teary. “Come on don’t make this harder than it is. I don’t like this as much as you do!” The chainsaw tipped, the same glugging as before. Khor threw their head back while closing their eyes. Head falling to look at the chainsaw again they slowly approached it. Picking it up they took a moment just to hold it, to feel the weight, the balance. Cradling it in one arm they used their free hand to pull the chain back to which the machine happily clicked in response. With two hands clasping the motor Khor held it outstretched, blade turned directly up at the ceiling. Determination filled Khor’s eyes. “You know what, fuck society. You’ve been good, really good to me. You don’t deserve to be left in the cold dark because your scary, your just misunderstood.” Khor tucked the chainsaw under their arm while throwing their free fist into the air. “Fuck society! I’m gonna show you the world little buddy! Or, at least what little world is within the wall. Eh whatever it’ll still blow your goddamn mind. Just wait until you try your first Noc Noc burger. Then later we’ll find some bad hombres to turn into tacos. Oh, the fun we could have~.” Khor almost skipped along with renewed purpose. “How’s that sound little buddy?” The fuel in the chainsaw happily sloshed about with every step promising the exciting new life it was being adopted into. Who said Nocturnia couldn’t be wholesome? [/hider]