[@Estylwen][@ERode][@Psyker Landshark][@AThousandCurses] [b][h3]WINGRAM ACADEMY[/h3][/b] "F-Fifty? With the potential for more?" Chloe's eyes would widen at the bluntness of Chunji's statement, surprised that she'd been taken seriously. "Maybe an edit is in order before you show me, then..." Davil would chuckle weakly from nearby, not as animate as he typically tended to be. "Thanks for the help, though. Really thought that was the end back there. Could've gone a lot worse," he would blurt out with a slight wheeze, his gaze running across everybody before eventually settling on Ciara for a brief moment; after which, he would just kind of look away to the sky and sigh as the mannekin attendant continued wheeling him along. As Ciara spoke her apologies to Michael, he would turn his head to regard her with a side-eye. "Only part I'm confused on is why you'd choose a janitor, of all things. Don't have much pull. Would've been able to say that at least ya didn't make a mess of the halls, but uh, we both know even [i]that[/i] ain't true," he stated plainly, his expression neutral. "But I'll do my part. Ya may've killed a few, but any teacher here's definitely killed their fair share more, I figure. With any luck, ya might even be in talks for a promotion'a some kind." Such words would bring a look of annoyance from Alto, who would then turn back towards Otis and Iraleth, shrugging as he fastened his scabbard and tightened the straps on his backpack. "Tough to get any proper practical work done when we're bound by these rings. I've elected to call a temporary halt to official classes while on the road, and then figuring something out once we've settled in Vaal Nero. To that end, it'll be a two day trip, in which we'll arrive in the streets of the city roughly around the afternoon of the 5th. Worst case scenario, it's a self-study period until all this is resolved, doing what you can without the use of essence." The instructor's eyes would then darken as he turned to answer the other question, looking towards Iraleth with grit teeth. Before he could speak, Kann would step forward with a similarly grim expression. "Hildegunde has been rendered comatose, after what happened. Initially, she was counted among the dead - but after a closer look, her prime essence remains. She's being tended to at the clinic, but as for whether she'll ever wake up? We have no idea, it's near unprecedented to survive with essence that dim. In the best case scenario, it's unclear if she'd even have an Ethos..." With that, the doctor would step back, muttering meek apologies as he begins to walk towards the bridge to load onto one of the two carriages, followed closely after by Fianchetto and Michael. Davil would again look towards Ciara, expression painted with concern; contrasted only by Rio's look of disgust towards her, a brief muttering of, "Should've just killed her and been done with it," passing his lips. Chloe simply followed across the bridge with an avoidant slouch, gripping the edges of her cloak. "...Well, there you have it," Alto would reluctantly spit, looking amongst his class. "Best start loading up. The carriage with a blue banner is for the guys, and red for girls plus myself. The reinforced security mannekin will also split themselves evenly." As if trying to brush past the Hildegunde situation with tactless abandon, Alto continued to push the schedule along. "If there are no further questions or concerns, we'll have plenty of time to talk details as we go."