Sir Shane sagged slightly as he left the Goatbeard. He had taken on this quest to avoid offending people, but now he had done just that. To someone who had helped him no less. Sir Shane couldn't help feeling terrible as he made his way over to the post he'd hitched his horse to. Flutter looked up from the water trough and the remains of the carrots that had been brought out to her, exhaling audibly through her nose when she noticed the distress her rider seemed to be in. "I'm fine, Flutter." Sir Shane reassured his steed as he unhitched her from the post. "Just had to talk to people while I was in there, is all. Either way, we have our next destination: The barley fields west of here." A moment later, Sir Shane was on Flutter's back and the two of them were away. As they rode out of Barleytown, Sir Shane began to relax as the chance of him running into a social situation reduced considerably. Sir Shane began to look around at landscape. Taking in the idyllic view, familiarizing himself with the new surroundings, and keeping an eye out for anything that could potentially help or hinder him. [hider=OOC] Roll: [url=]11[/url] -1: City Mouse (Sir Shane has not had much perception practice in rural areas. +1: Knight of Stormhelm (When dealing with the nobility, an eye sharp enough to spot the dagger beneath the cloak is a useful thing to have.) +1: Knightly Training (Nothing sharpens the eyes quite like looking for chinks in an opponent's armor while also staying alert for the opponent's attacks and other dangers in the heat of battle.) +1: Loyal Horse (Flutter knows that she gets treats if she spots something interesting or dangerous and lets Sir Shane know about it.) Total: 13 [/hider]