[hr] [h1]Ruined Inn[/h1] [hr] Both of them. It's not just me. Both of these people are from another world. I'm guessing my own world, but I suppose isekai where people come from different universes do exist. But, it's not as if anything they said makes it sound as if they came from anywhere but somewhere like my world, so there's no reason to assume otherwise. Obviously, we can't just stay here. Even without taking into account the shambling figures who look worryingly like they're some form of undead, it's an abandoned warzone out there. There's smashed up storefronts and palisades, who would ever think this is a good place to settle down? At the very least, focusing on that is helping me ignore my current situation. If I don't think too hard about every single part of my new body, then I'm probably fine for now. Maybe. Probably. In any case, going out on the streets too fast is a stupid idea. "I'm Yu---" I cut myself off abruptly. No, no way! I'm not letting these people know yet! I can barely face the truth myself, how will I deal with two other people I just met knowing what my situation is?! Absolutely, absolutely not! I can't use my real name here! "S-Sephily. Call me Sephily." Ah, jeez, I hope neither of them have read Elf Mage... "A-anyway, going out on the streets immediately is a stupid idea," I try to move on quickly, in hope that no-one thinks too hard about how I introduced myself, "This looks like an inn, doesn't it?" I guess it's not the word spawn point in another world, if you're ending up in a former warzone. "There's probably lots of supplies here, and maybe even some gear left behind if we're lucky, so we shouldn't just rush out without taking a look first." That means checking outside before doing anything el--- ... Hm. Was that staff there before...? I've only just noticed it. It's probably not made of gold, that would be way too heavy, but it's certainly a gold-colored metal. Smooth and shiny and ornamental, topped with a large blue crystal and resting near a dusty dresser. No matter how you look at it, that's a mage's staff, isn't it? ---And this outfit... ... ---If I can do magic, that'd at least make up a bit for the situation. A little. "... L-like this!" Okay, so I doubt anyone else will be lucky enough to find something of this high quality, but at least it's a sign maybe! The knight guy has armor already, after all! I reach out, and--- Mage staff, get! One more thing to help me focus on [i]anything[/i] other than my new body! [@FujiwaraPhoenix][@Rune_Alchemist][@Crimson Paladin]