[center][hr][hr][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjEwNi40MTk3NWMuVFc5a1pYSnVJRTFoWjJsai4w/aestero-blur-demo.regular.webp[/img][hr][hr][/center][quote][table][row][cell][h1][color=GREEN] OVERVIEW [/color][/h1][/cell][/row][row][cell][/cell][/row][/table][table][row]What would you do if you suddenly gained magic in a world without it? One moment, you were as normal as everyone else. Whether you were a college student studying for their midterms, or a busy worker who traded their happiness and health for a measly paycheck. Everything was normal until, the next moment, you weren’t. It could’ve started as a spark that arched across your fingertips, a whisper in your mind that sounded like the voice of your friend, or something far more dramatic—an uncontrollable burst of power that burned your area down. Whatever it was, however, this magic revealed itself to you, it is real. And you are not alone. Exactly one week after your abilities appeared, a letter arrived. There was no return address, no postage, just your name in elegant script on the envelope. Your curiosity got the better of you, so you opened it, and you learned three things. Magic has existed since the dawn of mankind. You are one of the first magic users to grace the planet in over five hundred years. And that magic can not be locked away forever as it will reappear if the world needs it. But why now? What happened five centuries ago to make magic vanish? Why were you chosen for this power? And more importantly—what has caused magic to return? This is a modern fantasy RP focused on the discovery of magic, mystery, and the dangers that come with being the first wielders of magic in an unsuspecting world. Hidden histories, supernatural threats, and the looming question of what your magic truly means as long as you can answer one question. Are you ready to find out? [sup][h3][color=2e2c2c][b]▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ [right]▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅[/right][/b][/color][/h3][/sup][/row][row][cell] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnbfuAcCqpY[/youtube][hr][b][/b] [b][URL=https://discord.gg/4Qu9C4Vv]DISCORD SERVER[/URL][/b][/center] [/cell][cell]Welcome to Modern Magic, a story set in a supernatural and horror-themed setting. You are arriving right at the start of a great change for the world as magic begins to creep into the fabric of our reality once more. The effects of this are yet to be seen, but all it takes is one look at the news to see that it is already being felt. From explosions that ripped through Seoul five days ago, to various campground's attacked by creatures straight out of folklore, the signs that the return of magic has had deadly outcomes are everywhere. You are going to be a first generation Witch or Warlock. This means that how your powers develop will be up to you. At the start you might be very weak with your magic, but if you practice it and work through the story you might be a great mage by the end. However, while magic has returned and this alone has caused countless deaths, many more are to come as The Witch Hunters are mobilizing. Unlike their mage counterparts, The Witch Hunters trace their lineage back proudly and carry weapons and armors specifically designed to kill you. They have already begun to track any trace of magic their locators can detect and they have already killed several of these new mages. It is going to be a race against time to build up your strength before you are caught.[/cell][/row][/table][indent]The Witch Hunters are not the only threats that you will face along this journey. Monsters, of myth and legend, are awaking at the same time. From the mighty minotaur's that ravaged ancient Greece, to the various Dragons that burned the world, these monsters are also going to be drawn to these young mages. Magic attracts magic, and the longer you linger in an area the higher the likelihood that you will encounter one. At the end of the day, despite The Witch Hunters and Monsters, you have been chosen for a reason. Magic is needed in the world again despite the risk it brings. Will you live up to your potential, or will you die like your ancestors of old? The main themes of this story are as followed: [b]Rebirth[/b], [b]Identity[/b], [b]Emotions[/b], and [b]Friendship[/b].[/indent][h1][color=green] RULES & NOTES [/color][/h1][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [hider][table][row][/row][row][cell][b]1.[/b] I will be reserving the right to deny, or kick, any players for any reason. Generally, this will not be used unless you make me use it. Do not be racist, homophobic, transphobic, or otherwise an asshole. There is nuance, as always, so I will be sure to review any situations and decide what the next course of action needs to be. [b]2.[/b] Be respectful towards all other players. [b]3.[/b] This will be as realistic of a setting as I can make it. As such, I will want realistic face claims (thus, no anime), realistic characters, and realistic decisions from those characters. [b]4.[/b] The RP will have its dark moments. I will do my best to avoid edgy, or otherwise cringe, moments but do note that there will be death, and there will be struggles [b]5.[/b] No "wip" sheets on the OOC. Post a complete sheet, or don't post anything at all. If you need something looked over, feel free to private message me. Speaking of which, the character tab is for accepted characters only. [b]6.[/b] Your character can die. If you put your character in a bad position the enemy will take advantage of it. Thus, play to your characters strengths and away from the enemies. [b]7.[/b] You're allowed to have as many characters as you can handle. [b]8.[/b] This is not a true super-hero story. It is more akin to shows like the magicians. [b]9.[/b] The lore is going to start off hidden, and be revealed as we delve through the story. Please let me know if you want any details about the lore for making a character.[/cell][cell] [b]10.[/b] The following abilities are banned: Magic Negation/Replication, "instant death" powers, reality-warping, anything with "Omni" attached to it, complete defense/indestructibility, and any other ridiculous ability. I will explain why if necessary. [b]11.[/b] While I don't have a definitive number in mind this will be first come first serve. [b]12.[/b] One post a week is the expectation. Life happens but if your character is gone from the posting cycle for a while I will reserve the right to either kill them off or send them upstate to the farm until you return. [b]13.[/b] Modern magic calls for Modern times. [b]14.[/b] I decide what weaknesses your spells have. [b]15.[/b] I can also write your magic based off your character sheet. If you want to explore this feel free to message me. [b]16.[/b] You will be weak. You will struggle. But you will grow. [b]17.[/b] All the obvious rules. [color=2e2c2c]...................................................................[/color][/cell][/row][/table][/hider] [h1][color=green] CS [/color][/h1][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [hider] [hider=Character name here][CENTER][h1]Character Name Here, or get a banner from 1001fonts.com/[/h1][/CENTER] [i]"Character quote here."[/i] [table][row][/row][row][cell] [center][img]NO ANIME[/img] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [sub]First Middle Last Pronouns [b]|[/b] Age [b]|[/b] Ethnicity [b]|[/b] Height (In Inches) [b]|[/b] Weight (Pounds/LB) [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] Single word that defines your character. [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] Skills & Talents[/sub] [i]"Quote about Skills here."[/i] [sup]___________________________________[/sup][/center][hider=] [sub][REMOVE THIS. A REALISTIC list of everything your character is good at. Do not make them master of everything, do not make them a living weapon. [REMOVE THIS.] [b][Skill name here] ⫻[/b] (Brief (or lengthy) explanation of skill/talent here)[/sub][/hider] [/cell][cell][sub][b] Appearance[/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"Quote about appearance here."[/i] [indent]I need a detailed understanding of what your character looks like, what they wear, and so on. Be detailed.[/indent] [/cell][/row][/table][sub][b] Psychology[/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"Quote about personality here."[/i] [INDENT][b]MAIN GOAL ⫻[/b] (What does your character hope to accomplish in life?) [b]PHILOSOPHY ⫻[/b] (What is your character's outlook on life?) [b]SECRETS AND FEARS ⫻[/b] (What is your character hiding? ) [b]SEXUALITY ⫻[/b] (Your character's sexual preference?) [b] WHAT WAS THE FIRST DAY WITH MAGIC LIKE? ⫻ [/b] (The emergence of magic was chaotic and possible destructive for so many people. What was it like for you?) [b]FLAWS ⫻[/b] (What holds your character back?) [/INDENT] [sub][b] Backstory[/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"Quote about backstory here."[/i] [indent]Pretty standard affair. I'm not going to expect a super long essay here, just the basics and whatever.[/indent] [sub][b] Magic[/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"Quote about your magic here."[/i] [indent] [b]MAGIC ⫻[/b] (Put the type of magic you wield here plus a one sentence description of what it is and what it does.) [b]MAGIC DESCRIPTION ⫻[/b] (Tell me every little detail of what your magic is and does. Remember, at the start you will be weak and you may not have any named spells yet. This will change at will, with discussion, throughout the story.) [b]LIMITS ⫻[/b] (What are the limits to your magic. This list will also grow as we go through the story.) [b]WEAKNESSES ⫻[/b] (DO NOT FILL THIS OUT, I WILL PROVIDE IT FOR YOU) [/INDENT] [sup][b] Other[/b][/sup] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"Extra Quote here."[/i] [indent]MISQ SECTION[/INDENT] [/hider] [hider=CS CODE][code][CENTER][h1]Character Name Here, or get a banner from 1001fonts.com/[/h1][/CENTER] [i]"Character quote here."[/i] [table][row][/row][row][cell] [center][img]NO ANIME[/img] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [sub]First Middle Last Pronouns [b]|[/b] Age [b]|[/b] Ethnicity [b]|[/b] Height (In Inches) [b]|[/b] Weight (Pounds/LB) [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] Single word that defines your character. [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] Skills & Talents[/sub] [i]"Quote about Skills here."[/i] [sup]___________________________________[/sup][/center][hider=] [sub][REMOVE THIS. A REALISTIC list of everything your character is good at. Do not make them master of everything, do not make them a living weapon. [REMOVE THIS.] [b][Skill name here] ⫻[/b] (Brief (or lengthy) explanation of skill/talent here)[/sub][/hider] [/cell][cell][sub][b] Appearance[/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"Quote about appearance here."[/i] [indent]I need a detailed understanding of what your character looks like, what they wear, and so on. Be detailed.[/indent] [/cell][/row][/table][sub][b] Psychology[/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"Quote about personality here."[/i] [INDENT][b]MAIN GOAL ⫻[/b] (What does your character hope to accomplish in life?) [b]PHILOSOPHY ⫻[/b] (What is your character's outlook on life?) [b]SECRETS AND FEARS ⫻[/b] (What is your character hiding? ) [b]SEXUALITY ⫻[/b] (Your character's sexual preference?) [b] WHAT WAS THE FIRST DAY WITH MAGIC LIKE? ⫻ [/b] (The emergence of magic was chaotic and possible destructive for so many people. What was it like for you?) [b]FLAWS ⫻[/b] (What holds your character back?) [/INDENT] [sub][b] Backstory[/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"Quote about backstory here."[/i] [indent]Pretty standard affair. I'm not going to expect a super long essay here, just the basics and whatever.[/indent] [sub][b] Magic[/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"Quote about your magic here."[/i] [indent] [b]MAGIC ⫻[/b] (Put the type of magic you wield here plus a one sentence description of what it is and what it does.) [b]MAGIC DESCRIPTION ⫻[/b] (Tell me every little detail of what your magic is and does. Remember, at the start you will be weak and you may not have any named spells yet. This will change at will, with discussion, throughout the story.) [b]LIMITS ⫻[/b] (What are the limits to your magic. This list will also grow as we go through the story.) [b]WEAKNESSES ⫻[/b] (DO NOT FILL THIS OUT, I WILL PROVIDE IT FOR YOU) [/INDENT] [sup][b] Other[/b][/sup] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"Extra Quote here."[/i] [indent]MISQ SECTION[/INDENT][/code] [/hider] [/hider][/quote] [center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjEwNi4wZGQxNjYuVkhkcGJpQlFhVzVsY3cuMA/aestero-blur-demo.regular.webp[/img][hr][hr][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/90v5yvf.jpeg[/img][hr][hr][hr][/center][table][row][/row][row][cell][center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/YiIuTWE.jpeg[/img][hr] [color=2e2c2c]..................................................................................[/color][/center][/cell][cell][indent]Twin Pines is a quaint, small town nestled along the shores of Lake Ontario. Its cobblestone streets wind through a blend of humble brick homes, small inns, and local shops. The town is built cozy, almost rustic, and the Main Street is typically filled during the summer and is well maintained. The population is a mix of races, primarily poorer folk who work the fisheries, however, humans are the dominant presence. There’s a strong sense of community, with everyone knowing each other by name and helping each other. The town’s charm is in its simplicity, and it thrives off the seasonal influx of tourists. In the summer, the main attraction is the small island named Coney Island in the middle of the lake, where two towering pine trees grow, seemingly rising directly from the water. There are various boating and ferry services to bring people to the island itself. The island is dotted with food vendors offering local delicacies, and a vintage carousel stands at the center, surrounded by small stalls selling trinkets, souvenirs, and hand-made crafts. The veneer quickly falls off on a closer look. Half the horses on the carousel are chipped, splinters are common, and the paint is so dated that hat it’s impossible to pick out a favorite horse from a normal one. The food is of trouble quality, as are the trinkets, and everyone has a chance to leave with a stomach bug if they try the food. [/indent][/cell][/row][/table][table][row] [sup][h3][b] [color=2e2c2c]▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅[/color] [right][color=2e2c2c]▅▅▅▅▅▅[/color][/right] [/b][/h3][/sup][/row][row][cell]During the summer months, Twin Pines comes alive with visitors, drawn by the beauty of the island and the surrounding lakeside beaches. The beaches are filled with people lounging in the sun, swimming in the water, and enjoying the relaxing atmosphere. The carousel, with its nostalgic charm, is a favorite for families and children even if it’s no longer quite the same experience they had as children. The air is filled with the scent of saltwater, freshly cooked fish, and the sound of laughter. When the tourist season winds down in the fall, the town shifts its focus back to its fishing route roots in full. The locals, who rely heavily on the lake’s bounty, spend the colder months fishing on Lake Ontario. The economy takes a quieter turn as the town becomes more isolated, with fewer visitors. The town’s docks, usually bustling with tourists during the summer, now host weathered fishing boats, their crews heading out to catch fish that will be sold in the markets or used for sustenance for as long as the water remains unfrozen. There is a debate about opening the waters to fishing in the warmer months but there’s a constant discussion on sustainability, loss in tourism revenue, and eye sore that the constant fishing would bring. [/cell][cell][center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/JdXuFf4.jpeg[/img][hr][color=2e2c2c]..................................................................................[/color][/center][/cell][/row][/table]The town is known for its resilience, and though the people are often struggling financially, there’s a sense of pride in their work and their land. The community holds regular gatherings at the town square, where stories of the lake and the island are shared, and locals gather for warmth and food. The air is crisp during the fall and winter months, and while the island may not be as lively as in the summer, it still stands as a quiet, beautiful landmark, seen from the shore as a reminder of the town’s natural beauty. Twin Pines is a place where the simple joys of life take precedence, where the people live in harmony with the land and water, and where the spirit of community is the heart of the town. [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/njCKIg9.jpeg[/img][/center][hr] [center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjEwNi40MTk3NWMuVFdGbmFXTS4w/aestero-blur-demo.regular.webp[/img][hr][/center][center][hr][color=2e2c2c]..................................................................................................[/color][i]"Oi, you two quiet down….. [i]THEY[/i] are waking up..."[/i] [/center] [hider=Magic][quote][indent]Magic was an intrinsic force, woven into the very fabric of life itself. It is not something that was given to someone or can be learned by someone without an affinity for it, but it is something that pulses within certain individuals. A mage’s affinity is as natural as a bird’s instinct to fly or a fish’s need to swim, meaning that mages are drawn to a specific magic first but can learn how to wield them all even if at reduced effectiveness. From the moment of their birth, their magic resonates with them, subtly influencing their perceptions, their emotions, and even their physicality even if the magic itself has been gone. A fire-aligned mage might feel warmth where others feel cold, their body running slightly hotter than normal. A water-aligned mage may always feel comforted by the presence of moisture, their skin never drying out no matter the climate. This is because the bloodlines never truly died out despite the best efforts of The Witch Hunters, only going dormant. Despite its natural presence, magic has always been a mystery. There is no divine origin, no sacred text that speaks of a moment of creation. It simply existed alongside the rise of sentient races as much as muscle and bone. Some scholars theorized that magic was a byproduct of the world itself, an energy born from the same forces that shaped mountains and oceans. Others speculated that it was the lifeblood of the earth, a fundamental component of existence like gravity or time. Whatever the truth, magic has always existed beyond the scope of mortal understanding. It has never been properly studied or explained. Even among those who possess it, no two mages are ever truly alike, their magic responding to their emotions, their desires, and the ever-shifting state of the world around them in ways unique to them like their fingerprints. The loss of magic 2,000 years ago was, therefore, not just a disruption of power—it was a severing of natural truth, an amputation if you will, of something innate. Races that had once thrived with magic had to adapt, relying on intellect, technology, and sheer resilience to survive in a world suddenly void of its most powerful force. The knowledge of magic faded into legend, its existence doubted by many, its absence felt by none who had never known it. But for those who’s distant ancestors once wielded it there is a dull ache in the bones that can not be truly explained. Now, as magic begins to reawaken, it does not return as an external force that threatens to sunder our mountains or burn our cities but it resurfaces within an individual. And with it comes the question: if magic was suppressed, why is it no longer?[/indent][/quote] [hider=Mages and Warlocks][quote][indent][b][color=green]Initiate:[/color][/b] Everyone Starts Somewhere An initiate is every magic users first step on their way to becoming a mage. They have raw ability and can wield magic, but don’t have full control over it. To an Initiate magic is something unpredictable, wild, and destructive, and chaotic. An initiate is more likely to singe their eyebrows off than hit a target at first. It takes time, and training to get good with magic. However, like all things in life, you can get decent quickly. On average, in the past, it would take several weeks or a couple of months for an initiate to develop a steady roster of ways to apply this magic. The application of magic is called a spell. Whether you need to chant, do a series of motions with one hand, or use of a grimoire or other object to channel the magic. Eventually, once an Initiate becomes adept with their magic they transition to a great learning stage where they can become a Mage. [b][color=green]Mages: Keppers of the Natural Flow of Magic[/color][/b] Mages were the first true masters of magic, their power not learned but felt, their connection to magic deeper than mere affinity and basic spells alone. While an initiate of magic may see it as a tool, mages were conduits, seamlessly attuned to the ebb and flow of the arcane forces that permeate their bodies. They do not force magic to obey them; instead, they dance with it, listen and understand its path through their body, and harmonize with its rhythms. This innate bond made them the true forces of nature. They were also the first to comprehend its cycles, its limitations, and its infinite potential. They laid the foundation for spellcraft, shaping raw power into structured forms, and developed the earliest incantations, rituals, and magical theories that would guide civilization at the time. It was through mages that the races learned to work with magic rather than against it, using it to cultivate the land, heal the wounded, and develop new ways of interacting with the world. [b][color=green]Warlocks: Pioneers of the Unknown[/color][/b] While mages nurtured magic as a natural force, warlocks sought to bend it to their will, forging pacts with powerful beings beyond the known world. These extraplanar patrons, ancient entities of unfathomable knowledge, offered warlocks magic not through affinity but through contracts, binding their power to mortal ambition. Some sought enlightenment, trading servitude for cosmic secrets, while others desired dominion, wielding borrowed power to reshape the world in their image. Warlocks introduced the concept of structured magical hierarchy, bringing forth the first true understanding of power beyond the mortal realm. They pioneered summoning, binding, and planar travel, pushing magic beyond its terrestrial roots and into the unknown. Their discoveries expanded the boundaries of what was possible, challenging the races to think beyond their natural limits. Mages and Warlocks have often fought in the earliest years, and a natural apprehension existed between the two forces of magic. [b][color=green]The Witch Hunters: The Destroyers of Magic[/color][/b] The Witch Hunters emerged 3,000 years ago, not out of fear of magic itself, but in response to the unchecked power wielded by mages and warlocks. As civilization advanced, magic became the backbone of society and it shaped economies, warfare, and even politics. Mages were often found at the top of every existing position of power. Yet, with such power came imbalance and mages often saw themselves as above others, while warlocks brokered dangerous pacts that threatened the stability of the world. The Witch Hunters were originally a loose collective of warriors, scholars, dissidents, and even some mages who sought to limit magical influence, acting as a counterforce to the overwhelming dominance of spellcasters. They believed that no single group should hold such absolute power over society and saw themselves as protectors of the common people. At first, they were enforcers of balance, ensuring that magic did not spiral into tyranny. But as their ranks grew and their ideology hardened, their mission shifted from control to eradication. For centuries, the Witch Hunters waged a relentless war against magic, hunting down mages and warlocks alike. They developed countermeasures, discovering ways to sever a mage’s connection to magic and disrupt warlocks’ pacts with their extraplanar patrons. They crafted weapons and armor resistant to arcane forces, turning magic’s greatest strengths against itself. This war was brutal and unyielding—entire magical orders were destroyed, grand libraries of arcane knowledge were burned, and cities built upon magical foundations crumbled under the weight of these purges. Warlocks, desperate to hold onto their power, struck dark bargains, unleashing horrors upon the world, but the Witch Hunters adapted, developing new techniques to neutralize even these eldritch threats. Over time, their battle was no longer about justice but total annihilation. Magic had become a plague in their eyes, something unnatural that needed to be erased. Eventually, one of these dark pacts summoned forth an Eldritch being who simply called itself The Maestro. It took the combined strength of all Witch Hunters, surviving mages, and warlocks to seal it back away. Despite this show of comradery the purges continued. Two thousand years ago, the Witch Hunters achieved what many thought impossible when they severed magic from the world. Whether through a grand ritual, a forbidden weapon, or a pact of their own, they cut off the natural flow of magic, rendering mages weak and severing warlocks unbound from their patrons. While magic still existed it was forever weakened, and civilizations that had relied upon it collapsed, and history was rewritten by those who remained. Magic became a myth, its existence doubted by future generations, with only fragments of knowledge surviving in hidden texts and oral traditions. The Witch Hunters, not content with simply making mages and warlocks weak, continued their purges against an enemy who could no longer defend themselves. The next fifteen hundred years The Hunt culled every bloodline they could find until finally their magic detection tools grew silent. The centuries since the order has continued, forever weary that magic will return again. However, the years have not been kind to the order. Nowadays it is more of a fraternity rather than a holy order dedicated to the preservation of their rites and ways. The Old Guard, commonly filled with families with old money, do their best to push the new generation towards the light however when an organization like this looks good on certain resumes it was bound to attract recruits who are more focused on their own future rather than the future of a magic-free life.[/indent][/quote][/hider] [hider=Types of Magic][quote][indent] [b][color=green]Plant :[/color][/b] Plant magic, and their mages, are adept at communicating, commanding, and controlling the various plant and other fauna. An initiate can suggest actions to plants, or accidentally force them to action if their emotions get the best of them, but one can’t be a Mage until they learn how to communicate effectively. [color=red][b]Pyromanceryr:[/b][/color] The manipulation and generation of flames, heat, and combustion. Pyromancers can create fire from nothing, shape it into destructive or defensive forms, and even alter temperature to extreme levels. Some master combustion itself, igniting objects or even the air around them. [b][color=blue]Hydromancy :[/color][/b] The control of water in all its forms: liquid, ice, and vapor. Hydromancers can shape rivers, summon rain from moisture in the air, freeze moisture into solid barriers, or extract water from the air. Masters can purify water sources or draw massive waves from deep oceans. [b][color=Brown]Terramancy :[/color][/b] The manipulation of stone, soil, and minerals. Terramancers can shape terrain, summon barriers, and even influence the fertility of the land. Some can manipulate metals, creating weapons or armor directly from the earth. [b][color=white]Aeromancy:[/color][/b] The mastery of wind, storms, and pressure. Aeromancers can summon powerful gusts, control weather patterns, and even manipulate sound waves. The most advanced can use air currents to enhance movement, glide, or create near-invisible weapons of force. [b][color=Purple]Umbramancy (Courage):[/color][/b] The manipulation of darkness and absence of light. Umbramancers can use shadows for concealment, create constructs of pure darkness, or drain light from an area. Some can slip into the space between shadows, moving unseen or attacking from unexpected angles. [b][color=Orange]Conjuration :[/color][/b] The ability to summon objects, creatures, or energies from other places. Conjurers specialize in bringing forth constructs, calling forth magical weapons, or even teleporting themselves and others across distances. The most skilled can summon creatures from other planes to fight for them. [b][color=black] Infernal:[/color][/b] A powerful and dangerous form of magic tied to demonic or devilish bloodlines. Infernal magic is not one singular force but varies based on the Tiefling’s ancestry. Some bloodlines wield fire and brimstone, others control curses, and some command infernal beasts. The most powerful can tap into the will of their fiendish progenitors, gaining temporary boons at a great cost. [b]Other:[/b] There are thousands of different kinds of magic available to you. If you want to explore a specific type of magic feel free to reach out to me. As well, Warlock and Warlock pacts are not available at this time but that will change as the story progresses. If you want to make a character who becomes a Warlock once again reach out to me! [b]GM Notes:[/b]You WILL start weak regardless of the magic you choose but you will NOT stay weak forever. If I see anyone come up with a massively powerful spell like the World Ending Fire Storm 5000 I will find a corner and cry in it before I deny that character.[/indent][/quote][/hider][/hider] [center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjEwNi40MTk3NWMuVFc5dWMzUmxjbk1nWVc1a0lFUmxkbWxzY3cuMA/aestero-blur-demo.regular.webp[/img][hr][/center][center][hr][color=2e2c2c]..................................................................................................[/color][i]"We thought they were a myth."[/i] [/center] [hider=Devils and monsters][quote][indent][color=Green][h1][b]Devils[/b][/h1][/color] Devils are an ancient, powerful race that once ruled over their plane of existence known as The Infernal Dominion which is a realm of strict hierarchies, contracts, and ambition. Unlike Demons and other extraplanar entities, who embody chaos and destruction, Devils are beings of order and structure, thriving on law, control, and carefully brokered agreements. Long before the fall of magic, Devils interacted with mortals, forming Infernal Pacts with warlocks, rulers, and scholars seeking forbidden knowledge or power. These contracts were always precise, binding the signee to their word. Entire empires rose under the guidance of Devils, flourishing through their influence, only to crumble under the weight of their bargains. The Witch Hunters saw Devils as a significant threat to the balance of the world and, in their crusade against magic, severed most connections between the mortal realm and the Infernal Dominion. This effectively trapped Devils in their own plane, cutting off their direct influence for the last two thousand years. Though the gates to the Infernal Dominion have been closed for centuries, Tieflings, the mortal descendants of those who once made pacts with Devils, still carry their ancestral magic. Their bloodlines determine how Infernal power manifests in them, from flame-wielding sorcerers to masterful deceivers. However, with magic’s return, the question remains when these charismatic monsters will appear? [color=green][h1][b]Monsters[/b][/h1][/color][i]"Another cruise ship went down this week. What is going on out there?"[/i]] Monsters have always existed, their origins shrouded in myth, but they were never simply mindless beasts. In the earliest days, they were creatures of magic, embodiments of primal forces, nightmares made flesh, or remnants of forgotten civilizations. Some were born from the wild, shaped by the raw power of the world, while others were experiments of ancient mages or the result of infernal corruption. They roamed the land, sea, and sky, inspiring both fear and awe, becoming the foundation of countless legends. For much of history, monsters were a part of life. Some races coexisted with them, forming fragile ecosystems where powerful beasts became sacred guardians or deadly predators. Others sought to control them—mages experimented on them, warlocks bound them to service, and warriors hunted them for glory or survival. However, as the Witch Hunters rose to power and magic waned, many monsters were wiped out. Those that relied on magic to exist vanished, while others were driven to the edges of the world, into deep caverns, uncharted seas, and the darkest forests. Without magic to sustain them, many were believed to have died out entirely, becoming nothing more than myths. Now, with magic returning, so too do the monsters. Some awaken from centuries of slumber, others reemerge from hidden places, and some are born anew, shaped by the returning flow of arcane energy. Once again, the world must face the reality that it is not theirs alone—monsters are real, and they are no longer just stories whispered in the dark. [/indent][/quote][/hider] [center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjEwNi4wYWU3NmYuVW1GalpYTS4w/aestero-blur-demo.regular.webp[/img][/center] [hider=Who is everyone and where are they from?][quote][indent]Humanity – The Dominant Innovators(Origin: Southern Africa | Lifespan 80-90 years) Without magic, humans did what they do best—adapted and thrived. As the most widespread and populous race, they became the dominant force in shaping the modern world. From industrial revolutions to space exploration, humans spearheaded scientific progress, filling the void left by magic with technology. Their adaptability allowed them to assimilate and integrate all races into their societies, making human-led nations the center of global politics. While they have cities across the globe, humanity has truly flourished in the New World. In the modern age, humanity is defined by politics, business, and media. They can talk their way out of most fights, make deals thought impossible, and are the biggest stars on the red carpet and online. Human ingenuity extends far, and their position at the top of the food change is a testament to this. Dwarven Kind – The Industrial Titans (Origin: The Mountains of Eurasia | lifespan 95-105 years) Without magic to shape stone and metal, dwarves became masters of engineering, construction, and industrial development. Their ancient underground cities evolved into mining hubs, factories, and high-tech facilities. Today, dwarves dominate fields like mechanical engineering, architecture, and material sciences, crafting some of the world's most durable technology and infrastructure. Their subterranean cities are often described as some of the world's modern marvels and have become a top travel destination for influencers in recent years. There is something to be said about the food quality there, which is usually negative. In the modern world, Dwarves are known for three things: perfectionism, construction, and mining. There is a deep love of the earth and keeping her healthy among the dwarven miners, and their ability to sing to the stone is ever useful as they chase any rare material buried deep in the heart of their mountains. They are also the expert craftsman of the world. Their wares tend to be expensive, as it could take ten times as long for them to make a single item compared to the human factories, but there is no denying their quality. Elven folk – The Keepers of Lost Knowledge (Origin: The British Isles, Ireland, and Scotland | Lifespan 175-300 years) Once rulers of vast enchanted forests, elves turned to knowledge and culture when their magic faded. Many became scholars, doctors, and environmentalists, dedicating themselves to preserving history, nature, and the arts. Their long lifespans allow them to excel in academia and philosophy, but they often struggle with modernization and adapting to fast-changing human societies. There are rumors that they hold the last remaining tomes of Magic in hidden libraries. In the modern world, Elves tend to find themselves as the leading academic voices. They are professors, scientists, artists, and conservationists. They are often the fiercest critics of humanity and dwarves' incessant reliance on the use of fossil fuels as many of the oldest remember the advancement of technology and how the world has warmed as a result. Gnomes – The Tech Innovators (Origin: Swiss Alps and neighboring areas | Lifespan 125-175 years) Gnomes, once masters of magical craftsmanship, became pioneers in science and technology. Without magic, their obsession with tinkering turned toward mechanical at first but this quickly adapted to electronics, robotics, and AI in the modern world. Today, in the modern world, they are the backbone of the tech industry and are often founding startups, designing new inventions, and constantly pushing the boundaries of modern science. Halflings – The Heart of Communities (Origin: Ukraine | Lifespan 100-150 years) Halflings, once deeply connected to the land through magic, became the heart of rural and suburban life. They focused on agriculture, hospitality, and small businesses, creating tight-knit communities where tradition is valued. Their culture was built on two things, food and a good story. Over time, the amount of good stories and good food available has grown stale so a singular halfling set out to explore the world. When they returned with amazing stories, and amazing spices, many more began to leave their burrows and explore this amazing world. Today, they thrive as restaurant owners, farmers, and social workers, emphasizing community and stability in an ever-changing world. Each year Halflings who turn of age go on a pilgrimage across the world where their goal is to find new stories, make new friends, try new foods, and live the best life they can. Orcs – The Warriors and Survivors (Origin: Eurasian Steppe through the North of Africa | Lifespan 65-85 years) Once feared as conquerors and warriors, orcs had to redefine strength in a world without magic or battlefields. They once boasted the mightiest empire that the world had seen, stretching across the entire known world at the time and they alone pushed back all the other mortal races. That was until humanity led the charge and cut their empire in half. This led to two separate Orcish empires rising in its stead, one that was more nomadic in the Asian Steppes and one that would settle down in the rich fertile lands in the middle of Africa. While they faced great adversity and hatred in the thousands of years since they survived every hardship thrown their way and have emerged as the most resilient people in the world. In the modern world war is sparse, and as such many orcs became athletes, security personnel, and workers in physically demanding fields. Others embraced new cultural identities, thriving in music, and activism, and developing a new Orc culture. Despite their progress, they still face systemic prejudice due to their historical reputation as brutes. Tieflings – The Charismatic Strategists (Origin: Unkown | Lifespan: 90-100) Over generations, Tieflings have shed their devilish traits and now appear indistinguishable from humanity, save for a lingering intensity in their presence and the occasional horn and tail ridge. Historically mistrusted due to their infernal ancestry, Tieflings adapted to the modern world by leveraging their natural charisma, sharp instincts, and strategic minds. They turned adversity into opportunity, thriving in competitive and social environments where cunning and resilience are paramount. Tieflings are predominantly urban, gravitating toward bustling cities where their talents shine. They dominate industries like entertainment, and business, excelling in roles that require negotiation, leadership, and influence. Their communities are vibrant and culturally rich, often driving the cultures of the city that soon spread out into the world. Tieflings are known for their ambition, often spearheading social movements or pioneering creative ventures. In the modern age, Tieflings are defined by their adaptability and drive. They are the charismatic CEOs, captivating performers, and visionary leaders who shape the cultural and economic landscapes of the world. Though they have left their infernal origins behind, Tieflings remain masters of reinvention, proving that strength lies in overcoming the odds. Goliaths – The Resilient Titans (Origin: Scandinavian Mountains | Lifespan 70-80 years) Goliaths remain as imposing as ever, with towering statues, rugged physiques, and an innate connection to the natural world. Historically nomadic, they thrived in harsh environments by fostering a culture of teamwork, endurance, and honor. While their physical differences once set them apart, Goliaths earned respect for their strength and reliability, carving out a place in modern society through hard work and determination. Goliaths are drawn to rural and suburban areas where they can maintain their connection to nature. They excel in physically demanding professions, from professional sports to construction and search-and-rescue operations. Most firefighters, especially volunteer stations, are Goliaths and they excel at fighting wildfires. Their communities are tight-knit and centered around mutual support, with traditions that celebrate strength, perseverance, and communal success. Despite their imposing size, Goliaths are known for their fairness and humility, valuing effort over victory. In the modern age, Goliaths are defined by their resilience and loyalty. They are the athletes breaking records, the firefighters saving lives, and the builders shaping the world. Their grounded nature and unyielding spirit make them pillars of strength in both their communities and society at large. Tieflings and Goliaths - Shared Strength in Diversity Despite their differences, Tieflings and Goliaths share a history of overcoming prejudice and finding their place in the modern world. Both races were initially marginalized—Tieflings for their infernal heritage and Goliaths for their imposing size—but these struggles forged a mutual respect between them. Together, they have built communities that celebrate their unique strengths, blending Tiefling ingenuity with Goliath determination. In cities where both races coexist, they form dynamic partnerships. Tieflings often lead as strategists and visionaries, while Goliaths handle execution and logistics. Their combined efforts are seen in everything from community development projects to successful businesses. Annual festivals in shared neighborhoods highlight their collaboration, with events like strength-and-strategy games that showcase their complementary skills. In the modern age, the bond between Tieflings and Goliaths is a testament to the power of unity. Together, they embody the idea that diversity is not a weakness but a strength, shaping a world where all races can thrive. As such, besides humanity, these two make up the dominant races of the New World. [u][b]Other races[/b][/u] There are very few other races not mentioned above, and most that do not fall into this categories are instead a blend of them. Half-Elves, for example, make up a sizable population across the world. In the past, when magic walked the land, there were thousands more but, like magic, they disappeared. What does the Modern World look like? This modern world is much alike ours in terms of countries, technological advancements, and other signs of modern life. There is ample food, raging income inequality, and a building clash between the haves and the have-nots. There can be differences depending on what the story needs and what might make sense. The total population of the world remains the same, thus there are fewer humans and a lot more of these other fantasy races. Across the world, there is no true land where the blending of cultures hasn’t occurred. While it was started, and truly embraced, in the new world time has a funny way of allowing races to live in relative peace with each other as old wounds have healed in the centuries since the world became blended. Still, the various nations of the world still fight for control of resources, and strategic locations, and most conflict is now focused on countries versus countries as opposed to what it was historically. There are no current war, or proxy wars, but it is only a matter of time before the next one blows up. With the return of magic, this might be closer than we think.[/indent][/quote][/hider]