[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/rtwLejQ.png[/img] [color=f26522]Time[/color]: 11am [color=f26522]Location[/color]: Sorian Gallery of Fine Arts [color=f26522]Interactions[/color]: Violet [@Tpartywithzombi] [color=f26522]Mentions in order[/color]: Mina [@Tae], Rohit [@Helo], Milo[@PapaOso] [color=f26522]outfit:[/color] Uncomfortable fancy metal clothing.[/center] [hr][hr] This gallery was magnificent. Its works rivaling if not out right exceeding some of his own works, something Roman begrudgingly admitted to himself. Painting was not his strong suit, but sculpting was, the masonry and sculptures on display showed a level of expertise that he would find hard to manage in even his own craft. This Milo St. Claire really did have a better handle on the finesse required to complete these works then he did. Perhaps if he had a different life, he could devote more time to honing his own skills but that thought was fleeting. Violet expertly maneuvered the two of them through the pairings of other Finley dressed individuals. Polite nods and quite murmurings of the art pieces were shared. Yet, these events held something else just under the surface. The masks of everyone, even himself, were on full display, he detested this but still wore his polite smile occasionally excusing himself if his towering form ventured to close to another’s personal space. His eyes occasionally flickering over to Violet watching her gaze, how she admired the works in front of them, how she stared at the others they passed making subtle notes of those whose eyes she lingered on more than others, was she hunting in a place like this? Her sudden pull towards a particular portrait caught him off guard, her next hushed words even more so and to be looking for charlotte of all people, “[color=f26522][i]I’ll keep an eye out, why exactly are you looking for her?[/i][/color]” he asked keeping his voice hushed while gesturing at the painting like they were discussing it. After his question their attention snapped to a flourish of movement, his eyes catching the distinct look of Mina falling towards another duo. Then just before she would have hit the ground one of them reacted with speed and grace, catching her and twirling back to her feet. A better look at the man didn’t look familiar but the other man in the duo was the man of the hour himself, Milo. His attention turned back again to Mina who was looking quite faint. A look he recognized as one of her episodes of being overwhelmed by something otherworldly as she described it to him before. Hopefully it wouldn’t render her unconscious like it has done in the past. He did glance around for a moment but didn’t see Munir around, this would be the exact kind of situation for the man to be showing Mina off unless something happened. It was a matter to investigate later. A glance back at the two guards that were also paying attention to the two then back at him told Roman that they two were worried but would not leave his side unless asked. Something that a slight raise of his left shoulder told them not to worry. “[color=f26522][i]Then let us continue our search. Maybe towards that hall of mirrors?[/i][/color]” he asked quietly but something tugged at the back of his mind. A sensation that had only grown stronger since arriving in this kingdom. His other half growing restless in its cage.