[quote=@Estylwen] [hider=Kaiyo Mayazaki] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/u6F6cgJ.jpeg[/img] [h1]Kaiyo Mayazaki[/h1] [b]28[/b] | [b]He/him[/b] | [b] The Reverser/Mafia[/b] [/center] [b]Description:[/b] Kaiyo comes from minority of Japanese folk within the walls of Nocturnia. He was born albino, which is already a rare expression of genes. But on top of this, he was born with a weak heart. His gyft manifested when his family got caught in the crossfire of a gang war. Vincent witnessed the first instance of his gyft being used - reversing the bullet wounds in his mother's body. Kaiyo had a nervous fit after, coughing up blood afterward and passing out. When he awoke, he was in a sterile room in the Arakasa Tower, his body stabilized with a diluted form of Nyla. It was then Vincent offered Kaiyo a job, which he took gratefully, owning the man his life. [b]Gyft:[/b] Reversing Aura By exerting his aura, which is about ten feet around him, he is able to reverse time on a specific point, person, or object. He typically does this by holding his hand out to a specific object. Then, that object glows orange as it visibly reverses back in time. He is able to reverse anything, like returning the bites of an apple to make it whole again, or reversing the body so it no longer has mortal wounds. The reversal takes as long as a few minutes, typically. This only thing Kaiyo is unable to reverse is death. There is another drawback to this gyft. The more Kaiyo uses his gyft, the more quickly his organs age. He was already born with a weak heart, so he has resigned himself to a short life in service to Vincent. Vincent, on the other hand, has endeavoured to give him the best treatments and therapies to slow down this process. [/hider] [/quote] He's cool but... Kaiyo is very close to another name that I might remember 👀 wannabe.