[center][h1]The Fairy Overlord's RP Repository[/h1][/center] [center][h3]Totally original ideas do not steal[/h3][/center] [center](Just kidding, feel free to steal them)[/center] Hello there, and welcome to my little thread. I'm going to keep a bunch of ideas here as I come up with them so feel free to check back every now and then! [hider=Stuff About Me] I'm a long time roleplayer with more than two decades of experience. Obviously, that means I'm well over 18, and I expect my partners to be as well. I exclusively RP in third-person and past tense. I exclusively play OCs and nine times out of ten, I'll want my partner to play an OC as well. I tend to be mostly vanilla when it comes to kinks and writing smut; I'm probably not the best partner for you if you want to RP extreme kinks. My two biggest RP-related kinks are incest and ownership (Not necessarily slavery, but I do that too) themes. Most of my time roleplaying has admittedly been in a very fast paced environment where posts tend to be shorter. I feel like I've struck a happy medium with most forum-based RP in that I tend to post 2-3 paragraphs on average; sometimes more, sometimes less. I tend to feel like if I write much more than that at a time, my partner isn't going to be able to respond appropriately to things my characters do earlier in my post, so I do it with the goal of allowing my partner to respond to actions as they happen instead of surging forward all on my own and expecting them to catch up in their own post. When it comes to smut, I like to mix it with a healthy amount of story -- usually I like to make the smut PART of the story in some way, but it works a little differently for every RP. The thing I want you to take away from this is that I don't want exclusively one or the other, I want some combination of both if I'm going to enjoy myself in any given RP. Finally, I wanted to bring up the subject of faceclaims. I like faceclaims. Pictures are fun and good and I love to play with the aesthetic of a character -- but I do not like photographic faceclaims. They make me uncomfortable. I strongly prefer AI generated or anime-style faceclaims, and will usually do the former for myself since I tend to have a good mental image in mind when I make a character and it's faster and easier for me to generate it than it is for me to hunt down something that matches what's in my head. If you are particularly against AI, then tell me and I wont use it with you -- but if you don't mind it, let me know and I'll even do stuff of both our characters together or moments from the story as they happen if I'm really enjoying myself~ [/hider] [center][h2]Pairings[/h2][/center] Some pairings I enjoy -- These are by no means all inclusive, they're just some generic pairings that I'm happy to either create storylines for on the fly, or have some already in mind for. Brother x Sister Sister x Sister Pet x Master Slave x Master Master x Apprentice Prince(ss) x Princess Hero x Defeated Final Boss Classmates Healer x Warrior Android x Owner Android x Creator If you've got other ideas let me know! I'm happy to discuss anything you've got in mind as well as what I have here. [center][h2]RP Prompts[/h2][/center] [h3]Basic Prompts[/h3] * YC and MC wake up naked in a strange tower surrounded by a dense jungle filled with dangerous and alien creatures. The tower has magic that supplies them with warmth, basic food, and water but no other supplies, and an invisible barrier keeps any predators from approaching within 20 feet of the tower. * YC was not [i]born[/i] she was [i]made[/i]; part of a push by a genetic engineering corporation to offer custom made humanoid 'pets' to those with the means to buy them. After weeks of your future owner being talked up and you getting excited to meet them, the day finally arrives and... they don't like you. They don't want you. They leave you there in the lab that created you, heartbroken and confused. Fortunately, laws prevent you from simply being disposed of, so you're sold at a steep discount to someone else, and given as an unexpected gift to MC, a college-age guy living on his own for the first time. * YC was never supposed to exist. Your parents had been told for ages that they would never be able to have children no matter how hard they tried. But here you are, and until today you've never questioned it. Now though, on your most recent birthday, a man has come to your family telling them it's time to uphold their end of the deal; he's here to take you away with him. * YC is in trouble. People are after you, and they're catching up fast. You have nowhere to go, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, your demise is set in stone. As you see them rounding the corner and drawing weapons ready to end you where you stand -- or worse, capture you and make you suffer through whatever torments they have in store -- time seems to freeze, and someone steps out of nowhere making you an offer. You can go with them of your own free will and be saved from your fate in exchange for one year of service, or you can be left here to face your fate head on. * YC is a slave. You've been a slave for roughly four days now, after your family sold you to be able to afford to feed your other 7 siblings over the winter. You've been purchased by a traveling merchant who seems very excited for you to join them on their journey to distant lands and seems to have some "Big Plans" -- as they call them -- for you. * YC had almost won! You had those so-called "Heroes" on the ropes. You were immortal! You were moments away from getting everything you've been working for all this time and out of nowhere one of those heroes snapped a collar around your neck and your powers fled from you. Now you're sitting at the side of the room, chained while your captors celebrate their victory over the evil goddess. MC has decided that you can't just be allowed to wander free, and that someone should be keeping an eye on you from now on, so they've decided to take you with them when they finally retire from this hero thing and go live a quiet life somewhere else, apparently with you in tow the whole way. * YC grew up in a remote temple for most of your life, surrounded by the persistent mists of the foglands that swirled just beyond the boundaries of your temple home. As you've grown older though, you've wanted a chance to leave. This world is very small, and while it's been comfortable, you can't help but think there's more to the world than what you can see without venturing into the dense mist. One day MC arrives, and the temple priest asks me to take you along with me when I leave. This is your chance to see the world. What will you make of it? [h3]Full Stories[/h3] [hider=The Redeemers] [quote][right]Location Unknown 8/20/2035 11:17PM[/right] The buzzing of the alarm was what woke Abigail. It was a familiar sound that she'd woken up to every day for the last four years. Usually it came in the morning; her warning that the prison guards were bringing her the slop that passed for "Breakfast" in this place. She sat up on the reinforced titanium bed frame she'd been supplied with, turning her attention to the heavy steel door just outside of the security glass that replaced the traditional iron bars that a normal prison cell might have sported. The door hissed as it slid from the wall by about four inches, then swung open. Sure enough, three prison guards stepped into the room, dressed in the same sort of armor Abigail always saw them in, kitted out from head to toe. She had always thought they looked a lot like stormtroopers from those old star wars shows, just in black and dark grays instead of the white she remembered. The guards lined up in front of the security glass, holding some kind of gun across their chests at an exact angle. [i]Like a bunch of perfectly programmed little robots.[/i] Abigail thought. This wasn't the usual song and dance though. None of these men had brought a tray of prison breakfast. What time even was it? Abigail felt like she'd barely slept at all. She didn't have to wonder what was going on for long. A fourth figure stepped through the door, the click of heels on the titanium plating announcing her arrival before Abigail ever saw her. It was a pretty woman, blonde -- though her severe resting bitch face soured her otherwise reasonably attractive veneer. [i]Or maybe it's not "Resting" -- She looks like she makes that expression on purpose.[/i] Abigail thought as she started to look at the woman with less appreciation and more suspicion. The woman was dressed far better than what Abigail was used to seeing after so many years. A black suit, white blouse, black tie. CIA? Men in black? Definitely government, couldn't be anything else. [b]"Prisoner 013. It's your lucky day."[/b] The woman said, speaking loudly and confidently. Her tone was clipped. Military-like. [b]"The U.S. Government would like to offer you a chance at your freedom."[/b] Abigail's eyes widened in surprise as she stepped closer to the security glass; calmly, to avoid setting off the guards. Even now she could see one of them twitching, barely restraining the instinctive urge to point that big gun at her and order her back from the glass. [b]"What do you mean a chance at freedom? I murdered seven men."[/b] [b]"You murdered seven [i]criminals[/i]. While the government does not approve of your vigilantism, it does recognize that your crimes did not target innocent people. More importantly, it also recognizes that you've had an exemplary record while you've been confined here."[/b] Abigail was about to respond, but the woman kept going, cutting her off. [b]"Congress has approved a program for people just like you, Prisoner 013. People with superhuman abilities who entered the prison system as a minor who have displayed enough restraint while incarcerated to lead us to believe you can be rehabilitated."[/b] Abigail didn't even try to speak this time, sure that the woman would just talk over her. So she stayed silent, waiting to hear what else the woman had to say. As the seconds stretched on though, it became clear that it was her turn to speak. [b]"That's... very interesting. What's the catch?"[/b] As if she'd never paused to allow the question in the first place, the woman continued in the same clipped tone. [b]"You will be required to enroll at one of two academies for people like yourself with superhuman abilities. There, you will be required to complete at least two years of a hero certification course where you will be trained to use your abilities in a way that will minimize damage and provide the most benefit to the people. You may choose to drop out and become a civilian at that time, or you may continue to finish the course and be licensed as a hero. In either event your record will be expunged and you will be given your freedom."[/b] Abigail looked almost incredulous for a moment. She had expected to spend the rest of her life in this titanium box they'd put her in. The idea of freedom was almost ludicrous to her. Part of her wanted to reject the offer -- it was too good to be true, clearly there was another hidden catch -- but another much louder part of her knew that anything they offered her, no matter the price, was better than another 60-80 years in a tiny box eating flavorless slop and never speaking to anyone again. [b]"... Fine. I'll take the deal. Where do I sign?"[/b] Abigail finally said after a long pause. She was ready to get out of here.[/quote] Following an act of congress, the government has set up a program to allow for the rehabilitation of child supervillains, seeking to reintroduce them into regular society. YC and MC have been chosen for this program, and are to be sent to one of two academies where college-age supers are trained to use their abilities in a way that will hopefully result in less property damage or fatalities in the field when they're officially sanctioned as "superheroes." Unfortunately, not everyone thinks that they should be there. There are advocates among the staff and students alike claiming that people like our characters have no place in society, much less within the ranks of heroes, and seem to be intent on sabotaging the progress of the few "Redeemers" in the program. At least they have each other to fall back on though -- assuming they can avoid being at each other's throats for the next few years.[/hider] - More coming soon! I'll be putting more fleshed out stories here over time. They take a while to write out in their entirety but they'll include things like fleshed out systems and more complex overarching stories that are important to the RP in a way that they aren't in the above prompts.