This post isn't criticism, it's explanation. You're completely right to try to incorporate as many power tags as you can, that's the point of this loose system. And you didn't need any for the 10+, even with the City Mouse -1, so the result is solid. However, this is the part of the rules that I was worried about. On the one hand, I don't want to be a hard GM who tries to fight the player(s); on the other one, I could easily explain most, and, with a little brain-work, [u]each[/u] power tag's relevance in any situation. That's what imagination is about, and roleplayers are presumably good with it. So, in this case, I would only accept the horse's senses as a [u]direct[/u] boost, not [i]Knightly Training[/i] or [i]Knight of Stormhelm[/i]. They don't feel that direct for me.