[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ZRoLl9Y.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/250116/e49d56457884bbb28a864c7f292c3897.png[/img][/center] [hr] [hr] For six days, Kiffar had been rather enjoying the peace and quiet of the oft-unused cells of the City Prison. The guards liked to do him that favor, if only for their own sanity, whenever he was brought in- A nice, quiet cell towards the very back, where he couldn't pester them too much, and the lack of stimulus led to him napping more often. It suited him just fine. He [b]liked[/b] napping, after all, quite a lot. So for six days, he had napped, and eaten, and occasionally exercised before napping some more. In two more, he would be released, free to go find some more trouble to cause until he inevitably stumbled back in, to be dropped right back in the same cell again. Some of the more understanding guards had started calling it his guest room. Then, some silly fool decided to start a riot. Ordinarily, he might have approved of that much chaos, and partaken in it gladly if he were free to do so. But he [b]wasn't[/b] free to do so- He was locked in a cell, and his expected peace and quiet was shattered by the screaming, the shouting, the clash of steel, sometimes near, sometimes distant. Soon after, it was disturbed further still as the cells began to fill up, one by one, packed to capacity, creeping nearer and nearer to him until a group was shoved into the next one across to his own. Half-orcs and Nords, Bretons and [b]elves[/b]. Then, worse, they threw a man into [b]his[/b] cell! Some rancid Dark Elf that immediately began mouthing off to anybody who came into view. Kiffar's nap was firmly interrupted, with no hope of returning to sleep, which left everybody else to deal with the unfortunate reality that if Kiffar wasn't sleepy, he was [b]hungry.[/b] The first his new neighbors would know of the massive Cathay-Raht was when he stood from the pile of blankets he had acquired to make a comfortable place for himself on the floor. Laying down, behind the mouthy elf, he might have been mistaken for several people, huddled together for warmth, or for a pile of laundry. Once he sat up, stretching his arms overhead with a yawn that parted immense jaws far enough to fill sharks with terror, there was no ignoring him. He was massive, more than massive, and being bright orange hardly made it easy for him to blend into the background. For a moment, he simply sat there, blinking blearily and licking his teeth, dispelling the weariness that called him back to sleep- what little of it remained, at least, with all the chaos keeping him from that blissful blackness. Then, with a sigh, and a rumble of his stomach that might put a wolf's best snarl to shame, Kiffar pushed himself upright, moving to the door of his cell and roughly palming the elf's head to drag him back from the bars, despite a wail of protest and smacking hands. Leaning against the bars, he tried to speak softly, to get somebody's attention, and was drowned out by the noise, both outside and inside the prison. He tried a little louder, glowering at a guard who dared to ignore Kiffar in favor of his silly wounded finger, and when that, too, failed, he decided he would get dinner on his own. Grumbling irritably, he squatted down, hooking his fingers through the lower bars of the grated door- and lifted. Once, twice, thrice, with heavy, jerking pulls, until something gave with a screech of metal on stone. The hinges gave before the walls, of course, simple barrel hinges that they were, and the Khajeeti giant just... Lifted the doors away from their place, letting them fall into the corridor with a crash. He stalked out of his cell- the elf left behind, and kept there, surely, by another guard- scratching at his bottom sleepily, seeming entirely unbothered by any drawn swords that rose to meet his apparent prison break. He simply stared at the nearest guard, one whose face he recognized well enough, and flicked his tail in what was clearly supposed to be a polite greeting. [color=f7941d]"Kiffar hungers. The man-things did not hear him, so he is here now. Kiffar will have meat, with the little potatoes. The potatoes Guard-Granus and Guard-Biggus told him are tasty, yes?"[/color] He pointed towards the cell across from his own, sniffing irritably. [color=f7941d]"Kiffar will go there now, since the man-things made him break his door. Unless Guard-Tabulus wishes to end Kiffar's sentence early this week~? Kiffar promises he will behave this time, for a whole three weeks."[/color] Guard-Tabulus did not, apparently, want to end Kiffar's sentence early. Amidst all of the yelling, threatening, and frantic attempts to command Kiffar back into his cell, his polite request for a meal or his freedom went without a clear answer. He was, instead, shepherded towards the opposite cell by the guards who knew him well enough to know he wasn't actually about to start breaking them all in half over dinner. Yet. With some gentle, and nervous, prodding, in he went- vast shoulders crowding the door as blue eyes swept over his new companions, blinking with contented slowness. [color=f7941d]"This one is Kiffar. Hello."[/color]