[center][img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/sYNu7k6Y3rwAAAAd/battleship-gundam.gif[/img][/center] [code]<>[/code] Sagan's comms crackled, as a pair of firing lines appeared across his HUD. As soon as the Sparrowhawk and Watchdog were clear, the lines were filled with plasma as a pair of beams streaked across space and towards the motionless target. The beams scored direct hits against the ship's bridge, decapitating the ship. The remnants could be picked across by salvage and secure teams later, but the Roanoke itself didn't have the marine complement needed to raid an entire cruiser. <<[color=pink]Ooh, sage advice from the old man![/color]>> Sabine cackled over their comms, <<[color=pink]Don't you worry boss, I like the rank and file, I'll be sure to leave you plenty of work in the future- would hate to see you idle~[/color]>> The trip back to the Roanoke was clear enough- as clear as a battlespace could get. There was still sporadic fighting, and areas further down the line still seemed to be in the thick of conflict, but the local space where the Roanoke was seemed to have found a lull. Enough so that Sabine could do lazy spins and spirals through space without getting her ass shot off. The Watchdog and Sparrowhawk caught up with the rest of the unit, falling in line as they were slowly welcomed back to the Roanoke. The landing process was a bit slower than usual, especially with the Blackout making a rather rough landing ahead of them, but the group more or less landed in reverse order of launch. The hangar itself was once again a hive of activity as the MAS landed, crews scrambling to rearm and patch up any damaged armor before. The sounds of welding and sparks could be heard across the hangar as the crews made rapid repairs to the Blackout in particular, techs called out and materials were rushed over as necessary. The Roanoke's shuttle bays were currently occupied as well, as a small train of personnel were loading materials and munitions onto a pair of bulk transports. Surprisingly, it appeared that Captain Sarret herself had arrived in the hangar to personally welcome the 7th back. Despite her smaller physical stature, the woman seemed to stand tall amongst the mass of moving people, the ceramic and silver of extensive prosthetics and cybernetics on her face contrasting against the flat colors of her normal suit. [color=steelblue]"Commander."[/color] The Captain called as the 7th disembarked from their machines. [color=steelblue]"The 5th Fleet is adjusting their timeline in response to stiffer resistance across the line. We expect to deploy in 3 hours instead of 1. Perhaps that works to our favor given the some of the damage we've sustained.[/color] Sarret frowned, glancing over at the Blackout, a crew already beginning to carve out some of the more damaged portions of the cockpit, a new section being brought over via crane. [color=steelblue]"We won't have the facilities to make such extensive repairs again, at least not on short notice- so keep that in mind. I'll make sure the rest of the crew is briefed, I'll leave the 7th to you."[/color] [color=pink]"I'll go make sure Hex is still alive and drag her ass to the briefing."[/color] Sabine chimed in, conveniently skipping her last 3 pushups as she popped back to her feet and began to quickly make her way towards medical. [color=pink]"Good kill Rook, first one?"[/color] Sabine chirped as she pat Elliot's shoulder. [color=pink]"That's a case of beer for the squad. Oh, first sortie too right? That's another case. Make sure you pack a few in your cockpit before we leave."[/color] She added with a wink before disappearing down the corridor. The Captain sighed as she watched Sabine spring away, before turning towards the rest of the squadron. [color=steelblue]"Anyway. Excellent work as always, 7th. If your all have any specific requests or needs outside of the mission, be sure to get your requisition orders in now. Otherwise, I'll leave you all to it.[/color]