[quote=@rush99999]Once they were gone, Luka willed the limo to become bigger on the inside than it was on the outside. Once Luka had created enough space that he felt confident Mister MegaTen wouldn't start feeling trapped, he took hold of the pan that had been obscuring his new pet's vison and lifted it away.[/quote] Its improvised headpiece now removed, the spindly creature blinked in confusion and looked from side to side, taking in its surroundings. For a moment, it started to revert to its previous erratic behavior--and then something about the still-dark interior of the limo seemed to put it at ease. Instead, it blinked its large, black eyes, and turned to Luka with comprehension, if not recognition. "Oh. Um. Hello." The voice that emerged was that of a young child--utterly incongruous with the long, leathery snout that produced it. As it spoke, the creature adjusted its posture until it was sitting... well, as upright as its physiology would allow. It sounded polite, confused, and just the slightest bit worried. "Ah. Um. Who are you? And where are we?" [hr] [hider=Game Stats] [color=purple][b][u]Phantom Clock:[/u][/b][/color] [color=green][b]1 PM[/b][/color] [b][u]Party Experience:[/u] 2[/b] [b][u]Fate Deck:[/u] 22/22[/b] [hider=Luka Durand] [b]Damage Track:[/b] Fresh [/hider] [hider=Emily Sanderson] [b]Damage Track:[/b] Fresh [/hider] [hider=Ashley Whitlock] [b]Damage Track:[/b] Fresh [b]Ready For Anything:[/b] N/A during downtime [/hider] [hider=The Crow] [b]Damage Track:[/b] Fresh [/hider] [/hider]