[quote][b]Summary For Players[/b] [sup]Your beloved GM loves making summaries, let's be honest, most of us got an attention span of a 3-year old and for whatever reason of TLDR, this is one that should keep you comfortable.[/sup] [b]Recount So Far[/b] Classbound events filled with thorns and thistles, some are familiar faces while some are new faces, the routinary antics of Class 1-B, where trouble chases and the world chastises. [/quote] [right][sub][b]GM Post Interaction[/b] [@Digmata][@El Gato Naranja][@BlackMaiden][@Remram][@King Kindred][@Aku the Samurai][@Dragon Arts][@JrVader][@LC][@Randomguy][@ERode][@Thayr] [/sub][/right][hr]Rin shrugged at the casual antics that Kyoya enacts daily, alongside 1-B's chaotic reactions, she seemed to be practically in a good mood, giving Matsuru a sideeye wink and a subtle aura that's blushing, twirling her hair with plentiful implications, you don't wanna know. [color=skyblue]"Himura Rin, we've been through a lot together, for those who know and for those who don't..." [/color] The sudden arrival of the new student, Mischa Belic didn't really interrupt what she's about to say but welcoming the new student based on Yatagarasu-sensei's Intel was among her priorities, Rin Englished Mischa. At a certain angle, Rin sound your typical Japanese-speaking English, being Engrish, if her English is Englishing, in this case, Engrishing. [color=skyblue]"Yesu, dis isu 1-B, I...I-I ammu Rin Himura, 2A...Seitokai, Secretary, prease to mate you."[/color] Rin awkwardly pointed towards the empty desk in between Jun and Kyoya, it already has Mischa's itenerary. Kyoya was already knocked out from Haru's sudden karate chop. Hisora's hologram resurfaced, projected to be interactive around class. [color=mediumslateblue]"I disappeared for two minutes and Takari is unconscious, don't forget I can still hear everything even if the holographic interface is down, 1-B you're all getting detention, if this keeps up."[/color] When the word detention came, Kyoya rose back from his slumber and whined. [color=lightblue]"But Yatagarasu-sensei, we just got back from detention and house arrest! You seriously can't do that!"[/color] Hisora sighed of needing to spell it out for Kyoya, she glared at him with a serious intent, urging him to stop, which he complied. [color=mediumslateblue]"Ms. Belic, welcome to class, your tardiness is excused, as Ms. Himura said, please head towards your seat, I shall inform you on your remedial classes for the important lessons you missed."[/color] She smiled kindly and escorted Mischa to her seat, even as a hologram. [color=mediumslateblue]"Yaoyorozu, try not to sting your own tongue."[/color] Hisora was under the impression that Matsuru isn't taking the upcoming Joint Training seriously. Hisora's aura commanded respect and no-nonsense, after all she was the former Professor of 1A. [color=mediumslateblue]"Himura Amaya..don't tell me Asagumo Kaiga is not in school again, Shirakawa Kagari, I take it you can track wherever he's at...somewhere in Akihabara with the latest Endeavor Toycon, perhaps."[/color] Hisora reunited with her previous 1A students in 1B. Hisora sighed on how problematic 1B is, she missed teaching 1A, who understood what to do without being told. [color=mediumslateblue]"I am Yatagarasu Hisora, make sure you do what you needed to do without being told, if you have questions, ask them. Anyways, we're way behind schedule, the reason why I brought 2A is to toughen all of you up, each of them are experienced dealing with threats like the High End Nomu, the Furious Five is a reoccurring title in Eirei and for the first time, the title settled to five students with the highest units in all of Eirei, surpassing even the third years, and all of them are in 2A. If you want to be like them, be sure to exceed all expectations."[/color] Hisora drank her coffee since she worked from home, her holographic interface got messed up again and her background showed that she's got yaoi posters and had her BL show on pause behind. [color=mediumslateblue]"Pretend you didn't see that, anyways as for Otheon... Todoroki Naito will be among your guides alongside Mr. Yaoyorozu here, as of right now, all of you will be operating under Endeavor's Agency and will be watching the Technocon hosted by big entrepreneurs like Ironman and Yaoyorozu Norma. Consider it as a 2 week educative Fieldtrip and vacation. Any questions?"[/color] Meanwhile, Reiji received a message from Iron Man, disrupting his AI systems with [url=https://youtu.be/4LIIhSHgjTw?feature=shared]AC/DC's Shoot To Thrill[/url] ringtone that rang so loud for everyone to hear, everyone knows that it's Ironman's favorite song, especially those who interned with Ironman. [sup]Kid, you won't be operating under Endeavor's Agency, you'll be working for me, not that I plan to crush some doombot but yeah...this is important...and it's about to get worse,[url=https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcStnbbUnPFN7XW_-cSPDT4WSjU24ly2qfCbZcUjpu_n1BtkWPwMM5DvhWU&s=10]that guy[/url] is in Otheon.[/sup][hr] OOC Info - Furious Five Ranking Tokoyami Izanagi Yaoyorozu Matsuru Himura Rin Akizuki Reiji Akai Jace