[center][h1]Grandmaster Safina[/h1][/center] She didn't need magic to disguise herself. A different application of makeup, lenses to change the color of her eyes, and a combination of silver hair dye with her hair tied up in a tight ponytail served to differentiate Safina Haliel from Elora Elarel, elven ranger-lieutenant and baron's daughter. The long-term glamour only served to reinforce the illusion she was selling, changing her facial structure to no longer resemble her true form and giving visual truth to her analog changes, but having a backup in case of the worst happening was never a bad idea. Clad in leathers and stringing a bow in her lap, """Elora""" looked to her traveling companion, the Countessa Vernon. Or rather, Evelyn. This sort of job took her back. All the way to when the current Queen was but a court advisor in now-foreign lands. [b]"You haven't been out in the field in some time, Countessa."[/b] Elora said, her voice raised to a higher lilt than her usual tone. [b]"Have you missed it at all, cooped up in Hathforth as you were?"[/b] A double-layered question, of course. It applied to both the Queen and her puppeted servant.