[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/BVAvSa1.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/MxjSN4m.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/3V3JiAp.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/Kba1iWT.png[/img][/center] [color=lightgray][h3]Ehlm City, Outside the Central Spectral Woods[/h3][/color] [sub][@Herald], [@SporkoBug], [@Qia][/sub] [hr] [b]”Hey, I can hear you, asshole!”[/b] Vin called out from the back of the convoy. Savio merely snorted through his mask, and called over Val. [b]”I need quiet while the adults are talking, Vin, or I'm tying you down for the night!”[/b] Vin responded by throwing a slurry of slurs at Savio, who only reacted with a huffed chuckle, hands on his hips. His eyes finally landed on Val. [b]”You son o’ the Dust, Val. What are you doing, wandering around with the likes of [i]them[/i]?”[/b] Savio said, nodding to the Umbrans cowering in the front vehicle. He then glanced at Wren, [b]”Hm… Got Ghost Corp with you too. I imagine the rest of the men are their boots?”[/b] Savio's arms moved back to hold the rifle hanging off him. He nudged the downward tip in the direction of Stalker. [b]”I'd be hands on with all y'all's black hearts by now, but I'm willing to wait my turn. These… [i]Wilds[/i]-”[/b] He said it like a slur. “-Said they're from the King himself, and interfering with their business would cause another war. Not that I believe ‘em much, but… a full-on war with Wilds, we just ain't set up for he'll like that. So,”[/b] Savio took a step back, gesturing for Stalker to step forward. [b]”Whatever message you gotta tell ‘em, go for it. Won't change much, you know they'll say no. Then we get those hearts, like we agreed.”[/b] Roose wagged their tail a little, looking at Stalker expectantly. *** Meanwhile, VV looked back at A as they sat together in the back of the jeep. [b]”If things go south, we can wipe them out together. They won't even know what hit them.”[/b] She said as confidently as she could. It was true, they couldn't do much against RPGs, but they still had an element of surprise - these men didn't know their complete power set. VV pursed her lips, before glancing at Mimi and Ebony. [b]”I don't want you two moving from the vehicle if things go south. It's… for your own safety. Mimi, you're fierce, but I think you're better suited to scouting, right? We will need that when we start going on foot in the Woods. And Ebby? Is it okay if I call you Ebby?”[/b] She said, smiling a little at the kid. [b]”I need you to stick with Mimi, and don't let them run off, mm? And don't be scared, A and I will protect you.”[/b] Before VV turned to glance back at A, reaching out to hold her arm, trying to keep herself focused. A would notice VV's hand trembled slightly. [b]”A, if things get out of hand, I think our Guardian and Captain Wren have Savio handled. We'll hop out and take care of Vin. Remember what he did to D. Remember what we had to leave behind.”[/b] Her gaze hardened. [b]”Vin needs to pay.”[/b]