The clicking footfalls of well-worn boots echoed through the somber halls of the Archmagos' inner sanctum, moving with a measured pace in contrast to the frantic scramble that was overtaking Isohedron-CBX. Ramona of Sarringrad was many things, but hasty wasn't one of them. In her line of work, acting with too much haste often lead to a brief moment of stinging regret and a quick shepherding to the Emperor's loving embrace. As she entered the Archmagos' office proper, Ramona lifted one gloved hand to gently nudge the surveillance servo-skull that had rushed to take note of her presence out of her path, her single flesh-and-blood eye squinting against the harsh glare of its flashing optics as it briefly intruded into her personal space-- the other was the dull green of a bionic implant, the flesh around it puckered by decades-old scars. As her hand returned to loosely rest in the pocket of her weathered topcoat, she slowly circled the scene before her, taking in everything she could. Ramona was no stranger to corpses; she had made plenty herself, disposed of even more, and had puzzled through her fair share of scenes similar to this one. And every one had stories to tell...